𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 [2]

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We walked into the building receiving weird stares from everybody. Why? I don't know.

Maybe cause Beyoncé was busing herself with sucking her thumb and using her other arm to cling tightly to mine.

"Will you all get back to work or keep staring at me all day, I don't pay you all for that now do I?" I said scolding every one in the lobby.

"Nika shouting." Beyoncé said looking at me weirdly.

"Whatever." I mumbled walking into the elevator going to my office.

Once we got in the office, I sat her down on the couch turning on the TV going to nickelodeon before going over to my desk getting started on my work.


"Nika, I'm hungry!" I heard Beyoncé whine for like the fifth time in the last five minutes.

"Can you please shut up, just give me thirty minutes okay?" I said rolling my eyes looking up at her from the screen.

"But...I'm hungry now!" she screamed.

Is she being serious right now?

"Fine, let's go. What do you wanna eat?" I ask standing up picking up my car keys.

"Chicken nuggets and fries." she smiled getting up as well coming over to my side to hold my hand as we walk out the building.


We are currently in McDonald's with Beyoncé eating her friends like a goddamn pig, no offense.

"Nika want some?" She asked holding out a fry to me.

"No thanks." I said declining the wet ass fry she was trying to offer.

"More for me then." she shrugged eating it. Later I paid the bill and it was time for us to go.

I decided to just go home since, I've already left the office. I texted my assistant Robyn telling her not to expect me back for the rest of the day.

As we were going home Beyoncé fell asleep in the backseat with her thumb in her mouth as usual, once we got to the house I parked the car in front the garage.

I got out opening the back door, seeing Beyoncé was still sleeping, well I can't carry her inside.....obviously.

So I tapped her thigh lightly, "wake up." I said.

"No... I wan' sleep." she whines rolling over to face the other side.

"I don't got time for this." I mumbled to myself, I've already missed half a day's work because of her and now she still wants to be stressful.

"Wake up." I repeated tapping her cheek this time.

"No." she mumbled again using her hand to pull my index finger away from her face.

"Fine." I said walking inside leaving her there.

*3 hours later*

I looked over to the clock, 6.50p.m it read, maybe I should get her out of there.

I walked into the garage seeing her crying and screaming bloody murder.

Oh my gawd..

I opened the car door and immediately she jumped into my arms sniffing.

"It's okay, don't cry." I said wrapping my arms around her.

Now I feel guilty.

"I-I thought you left m-me." she sobbed.

I kinda did, but that's not the point right now.

I took her inside and gave her Sasha to calm her down.

This is going to be the longest two months of my life....


Part 2 is here😼

Hope you liked it♥️

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- Author 🌈🍹

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