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Roman, in front of his table and looking at the map of Vale, had finished his daily runs through Yharnam, and was now having his White Fang goons offload some of the newly-robbed crates of Dust. By newly-robbed, he meant the scraps that he barely managed to make off with a few weeks ago and some more from nearby dust shops. But that did not really matter to him since he had a lot more crates from previous, more successful robberies than that clusterfuck at the docks two weeks ago.

Micolash and the look-alike for Red had disappeared somewhere, but Roman did not want to worry about that for now. Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai strode into the warehouse, passing White Fang shouting orders and offloading crates from Bullheads. Roman turned around, and spotted them, going, "Oh look, she sent the kids again..." He trailed off as he went behind the two and pulled them in for a very awkward hug. "This is turning out just like the divorce..."

Mercury forced off Roman's arm, while Emerald went, "Eww spare us the thought of you procreating." Roman sighed, on the other hand, his right hand taking out a folded piece of paper from Emerald's back pocket as he moved forward. "That was a joke and this... Just might tell me where you two have been all day." He raised the piece of paper in the air, to which Emerald's eyes widened in surprise as she checked her own pockets. "What? Uh..." She realized what had happened fairly quickly. "I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, you might learn something." Roman said. "Why do you have this address?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Emerald says, pointing her finger at Roman, who walked close to them. "Yeah, I would. Now, where have you been all day?" Mercury stepped in, saying, "Cleaning up your problems. Well, one of them at least."

Roman's tone changed to one of frustration as he said, "I had that under control." Mercury barely let him finish before going, "Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise." These two kids were starting to get on Roman's nerves, and he went, "Listen you little PUNK. If it were up to me, I would take you and your little street-rat friend and I would--" He raised his weapon, looking like he was about to smack Mercury with a forehand strike, when, "Do what, Roman?" The familiar commanding voice of Cinder Fall sounded from above. Mercury smirked as the three looked up.

Cinder was up on a platform, and she walked into view. The platform lowered down, as Roman began to reconsider his words. "Hahaha, I'd uh... not kill them?" He said in a very unconvincing tone. "Cinder!" Emerald says, excited to see the other woman. However, Cinder ignored her, opting to walk past Emerald instead, saying to Roman, "I thought I made it clear that you were to eliminate the would-be runaway?"

"I was going to..." Roman could not finish his sentence as Emerald cut in, saying, "He was going to escape to Vacuo. Mercury and I took it upon ourselves to kill the rat." Mercury then corrected Emerald, saying, "I think he was some sort of cat actually."

"What, like a puma?" Emerald asks, to which Mercury responded, "Yeah, there you go." Cinder, angry, goes, "Quiet. Did I not specifically ask you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?" All the while, Roman laughs while pointing at them. Emerald responded with an intelligent, "I just thought--"

"Don't think," Cinder says, emphasizing the last word. "Obey." Roman made the gesture of 'you're dead' with his fingers, making the sounds of a knife slicing.

Emerald responded with only a, "Yes ma'am. Won't happen again." Cinder turned her sights on Roman this time. "And you," She said, her tone clearly indicating she was not happy with him either. Roman only chuckled nervously. "Why wasn't this job done sooner."

"Um eh?" He starts before he starts gesturing to the crates and Dust he had stolen. "Eh? EH!? Sorry if I've been a little busy stealing every speck of Dust in the Kingdom." He said with a hint of pride in his voice. Mercury only responded with a sarcastic, "You are an inspiration to every punk with a gun and a ski mask."

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