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Junior's Bar, Downtown Vale

"I don't know," said Junior as he slammed down his glass. "What do you mean you don't know?" Yang shot back. Just a few seconds ago, the latter had asked the former where Roman Torchwick was.

"I mean, I don't know. I haven't talked to him. I haven't even seen him since the night he hired my men. He paid upfront, I lent him my men, and none of them ever came back."

Neptune then jumped in with one of the most idiotic questions one could ask. "So where did they go?" It was so dumb that not even Yang could believe what he just said. "W-What do you me-- I don't know where they went! Who is this guy?!"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is me, right now. Give me anything, ANYTHING at all. I swear to Oum I will wreck your club and wrack up so much property damage that you will not be able to recover," Yang threatened, her eyes turning flame-red.

"That's all I know, I swear. Maybe he wasn't happy with them, which is SOMETHING I CAN RELATE TO!" Yang shook her head at this response. She knew that Junior really did not know anything, and got up, leaving her unfinished Sunrise on the counter. Neptune went to follow. She then suddenly slammed her fist into a nearby glass table, shattering into millions of pieces.

Junior just groaned. That table cost a lot.

Then suddenly, she reappeared. "Gahah, Oum damn it! You scared the shit outta me!" The white-cloaked woman ignored him, and instead looked down at the unfinished drink on the counter. She started to mumble something about talking with someone named Yang about responsible drinking, and property damage.

"Do you know that Blondie?" Junior asked, and the cold silver eyes that stared back at him from under the hood shut him up. "Fill this up with some absinthe, or whatever strongest drink you've got. Don't do it all the way through, maybe up to half," she said as she put a metal flask.

Junior looked at her for a second, and suddenly a bag of lien landed on the counter. "Make haste," and Junior cooperated, taking the flask and grabbing a Leviathan Vodka (90%) bottle off the shelf behind him.

He put down the half-filled flask in front of the woman, who took it, pulled out a medium-sized see-through bottle wrapped in some cloth seemingly out of nowhere, and poured out some of the red liquid into the flask.

Junior smelled blood, but before he could confirm it, the woman sealed the bottle and hid it. Wherefrom, he still did not know. "Thanks. I will take my leave now." One question went through his mind as he eyed the back of the cloaked figure as she left the bar.

Who in Oum was that?

Meanwhile outside, Yang and Neptune were ready to leave for the rendevous point that she and the rest of the team, plus Dante and Alfred, agreed on, when her scroll began to ring.

"Everyone, if you can hear me, we need--" "Help!!!" Sun shouted over Blake's voice on the scroll.

"We're being chased by a bunch of psychos! And that Torchwick guy somehow got his hands on a robot! It didn't eat him, he's like controlling it or something!!" Came Sun's panic-stricken voice through Yang's Scroll.

"Where are you guys?!" Yang asked, but she got her answer when she heard Sun's scream from down the street. 

"Hurry!!!!" Came his voice.

He and Blake were being chased by two cloaked figures and a giant robot. "Uh, I think that was them--" Neptune started but Yang butted in, "Yeah I know. Hold on," she said, and barely gave Neptune a chance to put on his helmet when she maxed out the throttle and drove down the street and made a hard right to chase the two.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓Where stories live. Discover now