Blood Wars

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Ludwig swung the Moonlight Sword, smashing and destroying monitors as the Beast Claw Hunter he was targeting danced out of his reach. But it was because of that reach that the latter could not even touch Ludwig. "I can do this all day, and you can't run forever, coward," he spat, and he continued to chase him down.

On the other side of the small monitor room, Henryk and Gascoigne were going to town on the Chikage Hunter, who was desperately blocking and parrying. Not like it would matter. "Henryk, let's finish him now."

Henryk nodded, "Hit him hard, and when he's down, keep hitting." The two roared and charged. The Chikage Hunter made a noise of fear as he dashed backwards, parrying desperately as he did.

Ruby and Laurence teamed up to take on the woman in black named Cinder. She wielded a black composite bow, and her skinsuit glowed as if magma flowed through it.

The fights had turned into games of tag at this point. "Ruby, get her away from the console!" Laurence shouted as he parried the arrows being shot his way. "Why!?"

"I think she installed something onto the CCTS! A virus or something similar," Ruby's eyes widened, then she steeled herself. "Alright! Here I go! Whatever you need to do, do it fast!" She crouched down then dashed forward in a burst of petals, dragging Cinder away from the main console.

Laurence took this chance and charged forward, sliding under the desk and pulling out his laptop. He quickly plugged it in and began to work. "Shit what the fuck kind of virus did she install on here..." It was firing up all sorts of defenses to try and kick him out, but it would take more than that to do so.

Ruby meanwhile was fighting Cinder one-on-one, and she was barely able to keep up with the other. She remained silent as she swung a hit with her onyx swords Ruby was barely able to block. Cinder quickstepped backward, shards of glass flying Ruby's way.

She twirled Crescent Rose in front of her so fast that it acted as a shield, shattering all projectiles that Cinder fired at her. Someone on the other side of the room roared, and the body of the Chikage Hunter, his gut sliced open by what looked like an ax, flew and shattered the window, the man flying out and falling to his death.

Ruby would have been saddened that someone had to die, but she was in a fight right now and had other things to worry about. Deaths could be mourned later. Ludwig chased his target, Henryk and Gascoigne coming to help assist from behind. "Gank him!" Ludwig shouted. The enemy Hunter went, "Huh?" Before getting a Hunter Axe and Saw Cleaver in the back. He was stunned, and Ludwig took advantage. He pulled his fist back and punched, tearing through the enemy's rib cage and obliterating his internal organs.

"I'll face you anytime," Ludwig said, before wrenching his fist out and finishing him off. The Hunter fell off the weapons that were embedded in him, and as he collapsed, he smiled. "We will find you."

He turned to mist, leaving only the girl in black to deal with. Laurence was hard at work hacking into the CCT and reversing whatever it was that girl did, and it was proving to be increasingly difficult, as the built-in defenses were trying to kick him out.

"Come on... Just a bit more..." He pressed enter, and his counter-hack got to work. The virus that had installed itself was eviscerated. The symbol of a black Queen chess piece flashed one last time before the monitor returned to normal.

"Alright! The virus has been undone! Now then, let's..." Before Laurence could finish, the woman was gone. Out the window where the Chikage Hunter had fallen and died, she was running into the alleys. "Don't let her get away!" As the Hunters were about to chase their quarry by jumping out the same way, the elevator sounded. No one was following them so who...

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