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"Huh. This is odd."

Dante could only say this as he took in the sights and smells of Central Yharnam. This... should not be possible. The cycle should have ended with him when he killed the Moon Presence, so why... His hand was on his weapon immediately, expecting an attack. But where the normal enemies were supposed to be, there were none.

The entire square was empty. There was no inhuman howling in the distance, the cries and shrieks of madmen, nothing. The moon still hung high in the sky of course, the same as the day he fought Flora, and yet...

Dante found this wrong. He walks the streets, no fires burning beast corpses, no wandering mobs armed with pitchforks, cleavers and torches, no pyre at the gate. Silence in a city gone mad. This was definitely not real.

It certainly was surreal though, walking through the place he called home for so long.

The clicking of his boots against familiar pavement, wind blowing quietly, the same moon. But he still had to wake up eventually. Perhaps... he grabs his pistol from his hip, aiming it under his chin.

"Come find me when you wake up--" Wait was that--





He wakes in bed at the dorm room, the sun not having even risen yet. What a strange dream...

A/N: I don't even know where to start. It's been a year now since I last updated. I have now lost motivation to write, and I don't even remember where this story was supposed to go from here. Give me a few days, while I plan out how this is gonna go next hehe.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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