Botched Plans

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"Laurence MOVE MOVE!" "I'M MOVING AS FAST AS I CAN!" "MOVE FASTER THEN!" The First Vicar, now back to his human self, runs out through the hole in the barrier first, followed by Roman, Neo, Dante and the rest. Their weapons fire and swing, cutting limbs off, breaking armor, and blinding Grimm that were unlucky enough to be near them.

Once the Grimm closest to the hole were cleared out, the group of Hunters create a perimeter around it. Angry roars and screeching emanated from the gap, and hundreds of red eyes peer at the Hunters with animosity. The Hunters give away nothing, not a trace of fear or anger towards them. Not even excitement.

The only response they got was, "Whoever kills the least Grimm will be paying for everyone's dinner. Don't hold back, whether in your guns and weapons, or arcane tricks and Semblance usage. Use EVERYTHING." Dante says. All the Hunters plus Neo smiled, either at the prospect of finally showing off every trick they knew, or at the possibility of getting free food and drink from the others.

A Beowulf Alpha and a sizeable pack come crashing through first, all looking to get a bite out of the nearest Hunters, followed by a mix of Creeps, Centinels, Ursa, medium-sized Deathstalkers and King Taijitus. "HOLD THE LINE!" Ludwig shouts, and fires a buckshot, tearing the limbs off two Beowulves in front of him. The Holy Moonlight Sword wreathed in its magic comes wide, horizontally bisecting five Grimm that come charging at him.

Eileen, surprisingly, is the first to break the line, and charges into the pack. She is a blur of black feathers and silver, limbs flying away and bone armor shattering apart. Under her breath, she keeps counting, "Seven... eight... nine... ten..." For every Creep and Centinel that she tore apart, two more took its place. That was no problem, for these things were nothing compared to the blood-maddened Hunters she used to kill back in Yharnam.

Henryk is a storm of throwing knives, his hands a blur as he pulls out every throwing knife he's ever own. Each find their mark in joints and weak tendons that immobilize the Grimm, or eyes that blind them. "If any of you try to take my kills so help me..." He mutters to no one, as he pulls out his Saw Cleaver to finish the job.

Gascoigne's axe lives up to its name, knocking aside or outright bisecting Grimm that even try to charge him. His blunderbuss blows apart any Grimm in his path, and even a King Taijitu that thought it could face him lost both its heads to the Quicksilver rounds.

Dante was a monster, and just like he said, he was not holding back, using every weapon he had in his arsenal. A storm of Blacksky Eyes leaves behind holes in the Grimm that are hit by them, and an occasional Call Beyond would turn Grimm that was about to overwhelm him into chunks of disintegrating black flesh and fur. The screaming blood skulls created from the Executioner's Glove would hunt down and blow apart any Grimm closest to it. He was even using the spells he had learned from the Nightmare itself, such as the Accursed Brew that knocked back a group of uppity Beowulves and Ursai. 

When he was not casting an arcane spell, the Lone Messenger would be handing him weapons and switching. He destroys the skull of an Ursa with the Boom Hammer, then he trades it for the Rakuyo which he then uses to decapitate a King Taijitu. Afterward he dashes away using the Old Hunter's Bone, and pulls out the Bowblade, unleashing a hail of arrows on the unfortunate monsters. "I'm going to get most kills at this rate," he mutters to himself.

Alfred was wearing his Golden Ardeo, as his Kirkhammer turned Creeps and crawling Centinels into mush. Alfred yawns. He's faced tougher beings than these insects. It is only until a Beowulf foolishly shreds the front of his garb that he growls in anger, an emotion that attracts some of the Grimm to him. "You... monsters... this... was a gift from Master Logarius... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR TARNISHING IT!" The Kirkhammer fades into mist, and out comes the Wheel of Logarius. It roars, the screams of the damned trapped inside it letting out their rage at the Grimm. Their essence stains the Golden Ardeo which was hiding Alfred's feral grin and angry eyes.

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