Fire and Dark

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A few days later, after the battle with the mech...

Dante and Pyrrha stood back-to-back as the members of Team CRDL circled them. "Alright let's get to work," he called up his Hunter's Pistol and a Boom Hammer. He figured he might as well get all the mileage out of it as he flicked it, the furnace inside the hammerhead flaring, begging to be released.

"What is that weapon?" Pyrrha asked. Dante only responded, "Boom Hammer," as he roared and charged at Dove Bronzewing, who took a Boom Hammer to the gut before he could react.

The weapon shouldn't have dealt that much damage since it looked like Dante hit Dove without enhancing it with his aura, at least until the furnace flared and exploded, sending Dove right into the arena wall. Dante whooped as he remembered the childish joy he felt when he first got this weapon. "They don't call it a 'Boom Hammer' for nothing! Come get some!" Pyrrha smirked at Dante's initiative, before schooling her facial expression as Cardin Winchester swung his mace, The Executioner, at her back.

"I LIKE THAT WEAPON GIMME GIMME!" Shouted Nora from the stands, but she was immediately shut up by Ren, who covered her mouth and just looked at Dante with apologies on the tip of his tongue. But Dante did not mind.

Dove's 100 percent aura dropped to 87 percent from that attack, as Sky attempted to cover him with his weapon, Feather's Edge. He lunged forward and closed the distance, but as he continued to stab, he realized that his spear was only hitting air.

There was no indication that Dante was taking any damage. His opponent backstepped, but as Sky attempted to chase with his spear, he took a bullet to the face. He stumbled backward, and could only watch as Dante gut-punched him.

His Aura went from 100 to 98. Barely any damage, but then he seemed to reach through his Aura, and he PULLED. Sky screamed as his Aura went from 98 to 50. The force sent Sky falling backward. He stood up, coughing as he touched his chest. He felt violated; like that bastard somehow managed to touch his very soul.

Dove ran up to him, "You alright?" Sky nodded, "I'm fine. The bastard somehow managed to BYPASS my Aura..." Dante smirked, "If you have time for talking, then you have time for fighting," he said as he swung the Boom Hammer in his hand, the explosion forcing the two to separate.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha parried Cardin's weapon, The Executioner, with Akouo and slammed Milo right into him. She transformed her weapon into its rifle form, the close-range Dust rounds blasting Cardin off his feet. His Aura went from 100 percent to 89 percent.

Russel Thrush rushed forward, his twin swords lashing out. Pyrrha tanked the hits with her shield and shoved Russel back as Milo was transformed back into its spear form. She stabbed forward, targeting his weak points with every jab before slamming her weapon right into his gut, then uppercutting him into the air with a twirl of her spear.

She jumped up, slamming her spear and sending the boy right back down to the ground. From 100 percent, the combo attack dropped his aura to 79 percent.

At this point, it wasn't really a fight. It was a one-sided massacre.

Sky and Dove could not land a single hit on Dante, only barely able to touch the ends of his jacket. Cardin and Russell got no hits in on Pyrrha, their weapons being blocked by her shield or parried away by her weapon. "Pyrrha!" Dante called out, to which Pyrrha responded, "What?"

"Trade?" Dante asked. "I'd just like to give them a chance," he said, taunting the two in front of him.

Pyrrha shrugged as she parried an attempted sneak attack by Russell. "Sure." The two backed up to the center as CRDL moved forward. The two willingly gave up the space to move that they had, and Team CRDL was going to take advantage of that.

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