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Ruby Rose returned to Beacon Academy, weapon still in hand. The first place she stopped by was the locker room, where her rocket locker had somehow returned to its original place. Ruby, after ignoring her suspicions, put her weapon back inside it and began to make her way back to the ballroom.

She passed by a janitor pushing his cleaning supplies along in the dark hallway. The man smiled at her and winked behind a pair of glasses. Ruby looked at him with slight confusion as she simply returned the smile.

She decided not to contemplate on the man as she returned to her friends back at the ballroom. The students were doing a ballroom waltz, and she spotted Dante conversing with Eileen in the far corner. She did not notice Cinder Fall eyeing her with malice and instead went over to the two Huntsmen.

"So... where were you?" Dante asked, and Ruby swallowed as he eyed her with what looked like suspicion. "Um... The CCT?"

"Why would you go to the CCT this late?"

"Um..." She did not have an answer, and Dante only chuckled with a knowing look in his eye. She could not see Eileen's facial expression, but she nodded as well. "It doesn't matter," Dante said, looking at Ruby and just patting her shoulder. "You're here. Tomorrow we have missions. Or at least, you guys have missions. Not sure about myself."

"Oh and Alfred! Don't forget Alfred!" Ruby said with a grin. "Right... how can I forget Alfred?" The aforementioned Executioner was balancing the heavy wooden Logarius Wheel on one finger, impressing more than a few people who came to look.

That really should not have been possible, but it was happening. Alfred could swing that damned thing with abandon, so it did not surprise Dante that he somehow developed the ability to hold it up with a finger.

The Wheel tipped to one side all of a sudden, towards one Weiss Schnee. Everyone screamed and so did Weiss, but suddenly, the Wheel disappeared into mist. "Don't worry, Weiss, I would never hurt you," Alfred said, half-teasing and half-serious, as Weiss dusted herself off.

"Of course, you wouldn't..."

"I did scare you though." Alfred snickered, to which the Ice Queen responded, "Quiet you!" The bystanders laughed and went back to dancing. The party would be over soon, and tomorrow, missions would start.

So, why not have a little fun?

Before he could think of something to do, as the dance was starting to get boring, he spotted somebody failing at sneakily spiking the punch bowl, and Dante walked up to them, whispering in their ear, "I see you."

The boy, a brave first year, turned and almost screamed, Dante's gloved hand over his mouth the only thing that kept the embarrassing noise in. "Now, what were you planning to do with that flask? And don't lie to my face."

The boy swallowed. "I was going to spike the punch. The party was getting a little boring..." He admitted. Dante shook his head. "If you're going to do something illegal at least try and do it with stealth. I easily saw you. What makes you think the teachers didn't?"

Dante pointed up to the balcony where Doctor Oobleck and Professor Port were eyeing the both of them with suspicion. He then pointed to the other side of the ballroom. There stood the Deputy Mistress Glynda Goodwitch, a dark look on her face. Near the main entrance, the impassive face of Professor Ozpin stared on, cane in one hand, cup of coffee in the other.

The boy gulped. "Now get going. Try again another time. Much sneakier, I might add." The boy shuffled away, not noticing that Dante had pinched the flask from his hand. Dante opened it, and took a whiff. "Whiskey. They could have gone with something... stronger I guess?"

"That's just the Hunter talking. Regular alcohol does not affect us anymore, remember?" Eileen said to remind him.

Dante sighed. The flask and its contents really were useless to him, so he decided to just hand it to someone else who actually had use for it. Say, Yang Xiao Long. He learned that she frequented a nightclub before she trashed it.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓Where stories live. Discover now