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"Mr. Dante, please report to the launch zone."

He was going for an initiation. The semester had already started, so no company. "Good luck." Ozpin said. He wore the Harrowed set, so he looked like a beggar. Ozpin made no comment.

He had his Hunter's Pistol, his Burial Blade, a few Blood Vials and Quicksilver Bullets. He also had the Call Beyond, the Old Hunter Bone and a few other tools. 

The lone Messenger stood ready to swap out weapons if necessary.

"Thanks, but I don't need luck. I have skill, Headmaster." Dante crouched down, preparing himself. Ozpin nodded, and he was launched through the air.

"An initiation?" Pyrrha Nikos asked. Team JNPR was camped out at the cafeteria, when Ozpin decided to broadcast the solo initiation of a new student.

"Yeah. Heard a student joined, though a little bit late." Ren said.

"I think he'll do fine." Nora said. "He seems experienced enough..."

Dante was told to retrieve an artifact from a set of ruins at the end of this forest, and to not hesitate when faced with an enemy. Easy enough. 

Only problem? His landing strategy. The 'being-launched-through-the-air' part caught him by surprise, but when he got over his shock, he had to think of a way to land unharmed, fast. The trees were getting closer... closer...

"Oh dear..." Dante said before slamming into a tree. He managed to pull his blade out before impacting against it though, so he landed somewhat softly? Alright, he'd be lying to himself if the shock from the impact was not painful.

"Ow..." Dante kicked himself off from the top of the tree, making a backflip, and landing on his feet. "Landing... check. Artifact..." He looked up at the sun, and began walking north, looking at the sun every once in a while.

He killed a few of the Beowulves that decided to make him his lunch, and an Ursa, but the rest of the forest seemed to cower before him.

The initiation of this student was boring. No action at all. The forest seemed to be making a way for him.

"Maybe it's his Semblance?" Jaune asked.

"No way. There's no Semblance I've seen that simply allows you to walk through a forest full of Grimm unharmed. It's impossible." Pyrhha reasoned.

"It could be..." Ren thought, but Team JNPR, and everyone else in the cafeteria, was glued to this initiation. 

Dante ended up stopping in the middle of a clearing when he heard a loud bird caw overhead. He looked up, and sighed. "Oh great. Giant bird." It was a crow the size of a building.

"Eileen, how happy you would be..." 

The crow cawed again, and it flapped its' wings, shooting off its feathers like great projectiles. Dante reacted, dashing and rolling out of the way of the feather storm. That bird was going to be a problem.

"A Nevermore." Jaune said. It was smaller than the one they fought during their initiation a few days ago, but it was a Nevermore nonetheless.

"How is he gonna take that thing down?"

Suddenly the man switched his weapons. His scythe was no longer with him, and in his hand was a compact bow made of a strange metal. Where the scythe went, where and how he got the bow, no one knows.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓Where stories live. Discover now