A Man in Black and An Obsidian Lady III

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The next day, Dante was waiting for 4:00, but when you're extremely aware of time, time passes slower. He was tapping his fingers on the table, and since Alfred was scouring the grounds for the Bloody Crow with Eileen, he was alone. Professor Port was busy going on about something involving Beowulf.

He spotted Weiss and focused on the clock, and Jaune attempted to strike up a conversation with her. From this distance, and the way Weiss is just ignoring Jaune, Dante could tell that it wasn't going well.

Then the clock struck 4. Dante stood up immediately and made his way through the aisles, hearing Weiss go, "No. No. No. Yes." Jaune slumped on the desk. Dante pat the dejected student's shoulder. "At least you tried, Mr. Arc." Ruby, Blake, and Yang followed, Yang patting Jaune's head. "One day..."

Dante followed Team RWBY out of the classroom and went to meet in their dorm room. While everyone was busy putting on their clothes, Dante just snapped his fingers, and he was in the uniform of a Byrgenwyrth student, the one with the cape.

He traded his Burial Blade and Saw Cleaver to the Lone Messenger for his Rakuyo and Bowblade since he needed something fast and something that could be a ranged weapon without looking so conspicuous. He inspected his weapon and cleaned it somewhat.

Yang just looked at him and went, "We really need to get you something more..." Dante looks back at Yang. "More... what?" Yang responded, "More... modern." Dante looks at his clothes, "Is this... not modern?"

Yang shakes her head. Blake shakes her head. Ruby, putting on her shoes on the top of her bunk bed, shakes her head. Weiss responds, "I have never seen anyone wear something that looks so... old. Not even the eldest and most conservative of my father's friends. Where's Alfred, by the way?"

Dante shrugged. "He's busy, also this is a student's uniform, I'll have you know," he says before standing up. "I thought that class would never end," said Blake, black cloths wrapped around her arms. Ruby says, "Alright guys, today's the day. The investigation," then Ruby jumps down, "begins!" Weiss flinched backward.

"I'm glad to see we're taking this SO seriously." Weiss says, sarcasm in her tone, to which Yang goes, "Hey, we've got a plan." Dante would've graced that with a, "Just because one has a plan doesn't mean that they would take it seriously," but he decided not to. "That's... moderately serious."

"Right. Everyone remember their roles?" Ruby asked, and they began to go over their plans for the afternoon. "You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other dust robberies or inconsistencies." Weiss starts. "Since I'm on the family, it shouldn't be a problem."

Blake goes, "The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning."

Yang crosses her arms, confident as she recites her role again. "I have a friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard."

Dante goes, "I'll have a look at the docks. Since that was the last place they attacked, most likely they will have left something that the city police hadn't taken notice of." In truth, he had information that the previous hideout was in a warehouse at the docks. Something from another old friend. 

The chance of the first Chalice being there still was slim, but it was a chance he was willing to take. After all, he doubted that regular humans who had not made contact with the Truth would be able to undo the ritual done upon the Chalice.

Ruby goes, "Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!" Dante nods in agreement, but then a familiar voice sounds near the window. "Yeah!" The five looked towards the open window and found Sun Wukong hanging from a tree branch using his tail. "Sun!?" said Blake as the four members of Team RWBY backed away. Yang goes, "How did you get up there?"

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