Alleyway Assault

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A/N: Hello. I am back. After half a year of not writing. School go brrr I guess. Here's a fight scene for y'all, and... well, it's been so long that I've forgotten what direction I was supposed to take this story. Hehe

"Ludwig behind you!" The Holy Blade responds by elbowing and backhanding the White Fang behind him into the wall like he was some Intercepting Fist practitioner. "I saw him don't worry! You should be the one watching your back." Laurence roared in response, spewing lava in the faces of three White Fang and melting them to slag. The ones still alive in front of him step back in fear, as Laurence stares them all down. "Well? You were confident before, jumping a bunch of people eating noodles in peace. Where's all that confidence gone, huh?"

Before any of them got the chance to retaliate, he transforms his arm into its massive heavy claw, swinging it in a wide arc to toss said molten slag back at their companions. The weaker ones had their Aura melted to nothing in seconds, and their flesh and limbs are coated in it. They howl in pain, as the First Vicar rushes in to finish them off, Ludwig following close behind.

Eileen was once again a tornado of feathers and Quicksilver, slashing apart and whittling down the Aura of anyone stupid enough to get near her, which was surprisingly a lot. "Get her-- UAGH!" Eileen slices his throat. Meanwhile, Team RWBY had gotten behind the 30-Faunus attack party coming from their right, and were slowly pushing them toward the waiting  Hunters.

Summer was assisting the Crow, wailing on any that survived her attacks using her weapons, while Dante had taken up his perch letting loose arrows at any White Fang he saw. Alfred finished his noodles with Henryk before they joined the fight, tossing the empty bowls to the cowering shopkeeper. Gascoigne grins, roaring as his axe falls on the head of a White Fang like lightning.

"Nonlethal Gascoigne nonlethal!" "We need at least one alive for questioning!" Summer shouts alongside Dante. Gascoigne nods, weakening his strike at the last second to knock the White Fang grunt out and swings his Hunter Axe in a wide berth, crashing into a line of White Fang and sending them flying to the other side of the street. It was a good thing this section of town was empty because the ungodly noises being made were sure to gather attention.

Roman grins, Threaded Cane whipping around Gascoigne and hitting unsuspecting grunts in their blind spots. "Neo, if you would!" Using her Semblance, Neo wreaked havoc on the enemy, attacking the grunts disguised as one of them, tripping them up and just causing disarray in general.

Henryk and Alfred had rushed past. "Vanguard, coming through! RWBY, pincer them!" The two Hunters clash with the frontline of the attack group, the team of young Huntresses nod, swept up by the fervor shared between the Hunters. Ruby, not wanting to disappoint her mom, charges into the fight with a roar. "YAAAH!" 

The otherwise quiet street had turned into a warzone, with the Hunters and Huntresses caught in the center. Ruby was swinging her scythe without abandon, as her teammates supported her. When one White Fang grunt got around to her blind spot, the man would be frozen in place by Weiss's Ice Dust. 

Yang would bludgeon two White Fang grunts into the dirt with her gauntlets, while Blake would be utilizing her borrowed weapon, a Beasthunter Saif, cutting up more of them and setting up a couple more for Ruby to snipe and take down. "Ruby, Blackthorn formation!" Blake pulls up three Dust crystals. As more Fang charge towards her, Blake creates a Shadow, imbuing it with the Fire Dust. The moment she does, she's launched backward. The grunts hit the clone stupidly, and it explodes instantly, igniting five of them in one go.

Ruby then rapid-fires Crescent Rose, emptying her rounds into the screaming White Fang. "Blake! HIT 'EM!" Blake roars, activating another Shadow, and with the momentum, she dashes past the five, reaping the five grunts in one blow. 

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