Mountain Glenn Run Red II

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"Hello bozos," said Dante.

The White Fang shook in their places, and the ones nearest to the three invaders backed away slowly as if they were going to attack with sudden movements.

"Come on, boys! It's just three of them!" One brave White Fang said in an attempt to rally his comrades.

"And these three are gonna leave you red stains on the floor," said Alfred as he slammed the Kirkhammer down. Eileen pulled apart her Blade of Mercy into its paired dagger form, and Dante crouched low, the transformed Burial Blade leaning on his shoulder.

The Fang present took insult to that, some of them baring their teeth. "Alright, one of you, run and call for back-up! Not like we'll need it anyway," said a deer faunus. Dante thought it ironic that he would be facing another deer faunus, and had to stop himself from chuckling.

"Alright. I'll keep them from running. The both of you clean up this filth," and with those words, Dante rushed forward, and crossed the room to block the set of escalators leading to the lower floors. Some of the White Fang near the escalators tried to stop him, but they were just too slow.

"Don't worry. We will." The White Fang rushed forward to meet them. Half the room rushed towards Dante since he was the one partnerless. A big mistake. By all accounts, he was the most dangerous of the three, with Eileen coming a close second.

The first one to meet him had his head cleaved right off, and the second and third were torn to shreds by Quicksilver-laced gunfire. The fourth had his abdomen cut open when Dante swung out with the Burial Blade, his organs sliding out of the slit for the world to see in that instant. He was wide-eyed, and so were the rest of his White Fang compatriots, as Dante turned him into swiss cheese with the Gatling Gun.

"Well come on," said Dante as he untransformed the scythe into its curved sword form. "Where's all that confidence?" The remaining White Fang backed away. Dante tossed a throwing knife to his left, catching a White Fang trying to sneak past in the temple. He slid down the non-working escalators, dead.

The Crow and the Executioner on the other side of the room, meanwhile, were surrounded. Eileen twirled her twin daggers around, as Alfred hefted the Kirkhammer onto his shoulder. Two White Fang immediately charged at Alfred, looking to take advantage of his obviously heavy weapon.

One wielded a battle-ax, and another swung around a quarterstaff. Not that it mattered. The Kirkhammer slammed down, shaking the earth and throwing the two attackers off-balance, allowing Alfred to swing it again like a bat. The two were smacked so hard that their Aura shattered, and their bodies were crushed against the wall.

Three charged at the Crow with a cry. "Let's get her!" Eileen stopped their assault easily. She sliced one's eyes out, sending him to the void screaming about his lost eyesight, jammed one blade in the second, and threw the other blade at the third,  the weapon sinking right between a Faunus woman's eyes. The three collapsed, dead, and Eileen wrenched the split apart weapons out of the corpses.

"This is comedy," said Alfred, relishing in the fear the remaining Fang was exuding. Eileen shook her head. "More like a tragedy. They fucked up as a peaceful Faunus Rights movement, and they fucked up even as a radical terrorist organization. I doubt they can do anything right."

The fear turned into rage, and the remaining Fang surrounding them charged. Alfred and Eileen smiled. That was what they were waiting for.

But just as they were about to rush forward to meet them, the doors to the station burst open. First came Gascoigne, swinging his lengthened Hunter Axe and folding a White Fang whose back was turned in half. Henryk boosted himself using Gascoigne and landed a plunging attack on an unfortunate Fang, who crumpled under the attack. "Come get some, you damned terrorists!"

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