Umbilical Cord

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A/N: Kos bless me, 3k+ reads! I can't believe people actually enjoy my work! Thank you so much! To thank you, I will give you this nice 4K+ word chapter.

A/N2: Also, Wilhelm is not Willem. They're both different people. Wilhelm is an OC. Master Willem is dead. Thank you.

"Time to run." Alfred said as he shook Dante awake. It was early in the morning, but then again, it might as well still have been nighttime to him. "What in Kos have you—"

"ALFRED!" Goodwitch's ear-shattering voice echoed down the halls, probably waking the entire academy up in the process. "Oh." A surprised Dante let out. He was still a little sleepy, but that didn't matter. His friend was in trouble.

He then got up quickly. "Come on. I know this place like the back of my hand." They had to act quickly.

"Oh I'll trust you on that." Alfred said in a snarky tone. He remembered how lost the poor Hunter was during his first time around Yharnam. It took them hours just to find Cathedral Ward again and even more to find the Forsaken Castle Cainhurst having run into dead ends and cliff drop-offs constantly.

Alfred did not help back then because he found it too amusing to watch the poor Hunter flounder and whine about how lost he was.

"Shut up." Dante said, unamused. A door slammed open, attempting to block Alfred's path (probably caused by an angry teacher with her riding crop and glyphs) but he was prepared. The Messengers passed him his Wheel, and he slammed it into the door, turning it into splinters.

If the academy's peace was disturbed with the formation of Team RWBY, then the arrival of Alfred and Dante as a duo would turn it into outright chaos.

The PA system turned on, and an amused Ozpin's voice came on. "Turn left. There's a stairwell on the right. Head down two floors." He was chucking softly as he said this.

Alfred then said, "Thank you, Headmaster," with a smile as he winked at the camera they were passing by.

"No problem." The PA system turned off. Beacon on weekends would not be the same again.

Dante could hear Glynda raging at the fact that the Headmaster had turned against her. He would've laughed if she weren't a few meters away and closing.

Sunday has arrived. Alfred was relaxing on the roof, and Dante was standing guard. Glynda had put out a bounty on the Executioner in the form of extra grade in her class ever since that incident, and most of the teams formed (minus their allies Team RWBY and Team JNPR) were trying to find and hunt him down.

Glynda knew putting out a bounty in the form of extra grade was wrong, but she was too angry and petty to think. Probably. Dante didn't know.

"Alfred it's only been a day, and you're causing this much chaos already?" Dante said with a smile.

"Eh. I was bored, and I didn't know what else to do so I broke into your Glynda's room for the fun of it." Alfred said.

"Okay too much information. Too much information. And for your information, she's not my Glynda."

"For real though, the look on her face." Alfred stood up and showed Dante a look of absolute surprise, embarrassment, shame and fear. "And she was almost half-naked too so—"

Dante slapped his hand over Alfred's mouth, because he was starting to get embarrassed himself. "Too much information!"

"Should I be worried though?" Alfred said through the muffle over his mouth. Dante shrugged, and took his hand off. "I don't think so. She doesn't seem like the type to hold grudges for too long. She'll probably let it go after a few days."

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓Where stories live. Discover now