Ravens Rarely Flock To Roses, But This One Does

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A/N: A filler chapter with some RoseBird. 

Undisclosed Location, Anima

Tonight was when she disappeared. Tonight was when Summer Rose died. Then again, no one ever found a body, but Raven knew better than to hope. She poured herself another glass of rice wine and drank. As the minutes passed, she started to hear the usual hallucinations. 'Raven... Raven, why... How could you...' The sweet, accusing voice of Summer began to echo into her mind, and Raven let it.

She deserved it after all.

She never hesitated when it came to returning to the tribe, not like her own brother Qrow. She left Tai, her child, and her friends behind. But she has no right to regret her decision, especially now after all these years.

She poured another, and the hallucinations continued.

After a few seconds, she downed the sweet liquid, and miraculously, the hallucinations stopped. A growl sounded behind her, and she suddenly felt exhausted. "S-shit... an Apathy? How the hell..."

The Apathy, or a Grimm that looked like one, growled at her, as she tried desperately to draw her sword, but she was drunk. This Apathy was different from the others she fought. It had more bone armor and a pair of horns on its head. Its skin was wrinkly and stained with blood, and it walked with a limp.

It looked like it was infected by an unknown disease.

It was frothing red fluid from its wide, fanged mouth, and was making a noise similar to chuckling like it found her situation amusing. "Heh... of all the times I need to be able to wield my sword..." She chuckled. The damned thing must have bypassed the guards... or killed them... This level of exhaustion... there must have been more than one Apathy inside the hideout because she could hear her men and Grimm fighting just outside.

She sat back down. Maybe this was it. She sheathed her weapon and pushed it to the side. The Apathy shambled closer, and she just poured herself another drink. She smiled, welcoming Death with a glass of rice wine in one hand, and the bottle itself in the other.

She turned off her Aura, and the Apathy grinned. "You find this funny, don't you? Get it over with then, you ugly motherfucker," Raven said. The Apathy was not amused at that last statement and raised its clawed hand. The claw swiped towards her neck, the Apathy aiming to lop her head off in one go. Raven closed her eyes.

The Apathy screamed in pain, and Raven's eyes shot open. The claw was gone, and the Apathy had stumbled back to clutch at the stump where its hand used to be. Standing against the mutated Apathy was a person in a white cloak. They wielded a longsword in their left hand and a pistol in the other.

It looked almost like... "Jeez, Raven," Summer said, "if I knew this thing was going to give you trouble, I would have intervened immediately." The woman pulled off her hood, and there she was. Summer Rose, alive and well. "Get your Aura up. Today isn't your day." 

Raven smiled, "Summer..."

"We'll catch up later. Let's deal with this thing," Summer said to her old friend, who nodded. She got her Aura back up and picked up Omen. Summer's eyes began to glow silver, while Raven activated her borrowed Maiden powers. The Apathy's eyes widened, as if in fear.

"I go high, you go low," Summer said. "With pleasure," Raven responded.

Summer blasted forward in a flurry of rose petals, her pistol blasting one of the Apathy's eyes out. It roared in pain, as Summer sliced off the Grimm's other hand with a battle cry. Raven followed up, blasting forward at ludicrous speeds and slashing an Ice Dust blade at the Grimm's legs, freezing and shattering the limbs. Summer and Raven roared, slashing their respective weapons.

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