How to be OP and Break Bloodborne: Roman Torchwick Edition

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A few weeks before... 

Roman stood victorious on the stone bridge, the corpse of the Cleric Beast having dissipated into thin air. Now, he was completely out on Blood Vials and Quicksilver Bullets, so he had to return to the Dream. Now all he had to do was make the trip. But...


How convenient for a Lamp to just... pop up from the corpse.

...yeah, let's not question how that shit works.

Roman snapped his fingers in front of it, the Lamp flaring to life, activating a connection to the Dream. He knelt, and let himself disappear.

For a moment, everything was black. He could hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing.

...Is this what death felt like?

Before Roman could wonder, he opened his eyes. He was on his knees on the stone path leading to the Workshop in the Dream. He then stood to his feet, walking up to the Doll. "Hello, Good Hunter," she said. Roman nodded. "Can I use these Blood Echoes for something?"

"Of course. Blood is used to strengthen one's self. I will help you do so." The Doll said, and knelt, taking Roman's hand in her own porcelain ones. "Flora has chosen thee as the Hunter's Helper."

"I'm only a thief though. Do I really deserve such a title?" Roman asked. "I do not know. But the Gods don't just choose anyone. Gehrman, my creator, was chosen for his experience with the Hunt. I do not know the answer to your question, however. That is up to you to find out."

Roman nodded. He somehow understood.

Now, how does one get stronger with blood?

Just as he asked himself that question, however, his mind generated some form of interface. It was... disconcerting, to say the least.

He took a look at the stats it showed.

Name: Roman Torchwick

Vitality: 16

Endurance: 14

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 16

Bloodtinge: 7

Arcane: 7

He looked at the last two stats with interest. Arcane sounded similar to magic. Bloodtinge sounded dangerous. He had quite a few Blood Echoes on hand, so he split them between Dexterity and Endurance for now.

Name: Roman Torchwick

Vitality: 16

Endurance: 16

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 18

Bloodtinge: 7

Arcane: 7

"Alright. I'm good." He said, and the Doll chanted something he could not understand. Maybe with a bit more Insight, he would be able to-- Then his body was wracked with unimaginable pain. It lasted for about a second, and it felt like his body's bones became lighter and more durable, his lungs thickened. Then he realized it really did.

This was what Micolash meant by strength.

He thanked the Doll. "You do not have to thank me. I am a Doll, here to serve you, Good Hunter," the Doll said, bowing. Roman walked over to the tombstones, noticing the strange names on them. Now, he needed to figure out what to do next.

It wasn't like he was pressed for time, anyway.


He returned to the area near Oedon's Tomb, to the building just above the sewer section. While walking about, he had seen someone in a feathered garb overlooking the sewers.

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