Mountain Glenn Run Red IV

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A/N: Final chapter in Operation Mountain Glenn. Hope you are all enjoying so far.

A/N2: It is me, ya boi. Instead of RWBY coming to Mountain Glenn in this chapter, it will just be the Hunters busting their way out of there like it's an action film. Apologies for the 5-month absence, life happened and I was unable to inform any of you.

"Mind leading the way?" Eileen asked as she sheathed her Blade of Mercy. Neopolitan, flicking her parasol blade clean before sheathing it, nods. 

She knocks four times, and the latch on the iron door slides. Roman's smiling face greets them on the other side.

"Hey Neo!" He says cheerfully as Neopolitan walks over and behind him. He pats her on the head for a second before looking up at his new guests. Roman smiles as he notices Eileen and Alfred. "Hello, friends."

"Hey, Torchwick." "Hello again, Roman." Were Eileen and Alfred. Roman, dressed in Vileblood noble attire, smirked. Alfred retained his smile, although it now looked somewhat strained as he looked Roman up and down. "Hello, friends. It seems you have dispatched the Fang who was supposed to board this train."

"You have a problem with that?" Eileen asks, to which Roman raises his hands up in surrender. "No no no, I'm more than glad to be rid of those bastards. Now, the problem is... they are still here, and I do not know whether they have left yet or not."

The Hunters present did not need to ask who it was, since there was only three other Hunters on the opposing side. Two were already dead and missing in action since the docks, leaving only the one.

"The Bloody Crow is here," said Eileen, and everyone went on high alert. Gascoigne and Henryk stood back to back, blunderbusses at the ready. Ludwig draws HMS, and Laurence partially transforms, his arms taking on the characteristics of his Nightmare form. Eileen transformed her Blade of Mercy into its twin dagger form, Alfred revved up his Wheel, and Dante... stayed relaxed.

"You guys are really putting the Crow on a pedestal here. He'll have trouble finding an opening in a group of Hunters like ours packed so tightly together. Don't lower your guard, but don't be too high alert either," he says. None of the Hunters sheathed their weapons, but they were keeping their eyes peeled.

"Alright, what do we do now? The operation has been decimated beyond, their Hunters have scattered, and the Fang assigned here are dead." Henryk stated.

"Let's defuse the bombs first, or better yet, bury this place using them," said Father Gascoigne.

"Sounds like a good idea. Not. We don't know how the bombs were supposed to go off. Do they have a trigger, a timer?"

"None of those, old-timers. The bombs were designed to explode on impact, so the train would go at the highest speed it can go before crashing into the barricade the Council had set up at the town square years ago.

"The crash would then detonate the bombs and blow open a hole for the Grimm to come through. The panic from the explosion would bring even more from within the mountain."

"Simple yet effective, the cunning bastards," Alfred said. "Let's toss them into some random caves then, run and watch the fireworks."

"Alfred you're starting to sound like a Powder Keg," Dante said jokingly.

"I'll have you know if Logarius had not recruited me, I might have become a Powder Keg myself."

All of the Hunters turned to look at the Executioner as if he had spontaneously become a Vileblood. "What? I said it, is there a problem saying what could have happened?"

"Okay, ladies and gents, back to business. What are we going to do with these bombs? I'm not going to leave them lying around for some sneaky kids to find and accidentally set off," said Roman.

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