The Huntresses and The Hunters

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A few hours ago...

"WOW! I forget how big the Transmit Tower looks up close!"

Ruby was ecstatic as she marveled at the tall tower that served as the hub that connected Vale to the rest of the world.

"You should see the one in Atlas," Weiss says as the two continue walking.

"That was the first one, right?"

"Correct. Atlas developed the Cross-Continental Transmit System to allow the four Kingdoms to communicate with one another," Weiss in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone, "It was their gift to the world after the Great War."

"Oh look at me," Ruby stated, "My name is Weiss. I know facts. I'm rich." She insulted before holding in a snicker, to which Weiss only said, "Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because YOU like the Tower so much! We could've just as easily made a call from the library..."

"I know but it's so cool!" Ruby says, fangirling. "Oh, I'm gonna take a picture!" She fumbled with her Scroll as she tried to pull it out. It flew out of her hands and it landed at...

Penny saw the Scroll slide to her feet. "Oh..." She leans down to pick it up and prepares to hand it to whoever dropped it. "You dropped this.

Ruby squinted a second before going, "Penny!?"

The android's eyes widened and responded with an intelligent, "Uh..."

"Where have you been!? We haven't seen you since the night at the docks!" Penny only stared straight at Ruby before saying, "S-Sorry, I think you're confused." She suddenly hiccuped, sending the Scroll flying into Ruby's hands.

"Uh... I've got to go," she says and immediately turns to leave. "What was that about?" Weiss asked, confused as to why their companion suddenly decided to pretend not to know them. Ruby was equally confused, responding with an, "I don't know."

Suddenly, Ruby and Weiss both felt cold. "She's not a good liar is she?" A voice sounded off from behind them, and it sounded so familiar to Weiss. The latter turned so quickly she would've gotten whiplash.

"Wait a minute... I know you! You fought with us at the docks!" Ruby says as she turns to get a good look at the figure. She was tall and imposing, hair so white one would've thought she was a close relative of the Schnee family. "I remember you. You're that scythe wielder..." The woman trailed off. 

The figure's hat was tipped down, casting a shadow over her face, though her piercing eyes were all she could see. At her hip was a weapon Ruby saw Dante use a few times, but to Weiss, she only recognized Winter's Swords.

"...Winter?" Weiss asked. The figure only looked at Weiss, her eyes morphing into that of confusion. "I'm sorry I don't know who you are referring to..." There was something in her tone however that threw Weiss off.

She was going to say something more, but then Ruby decided that now was the BEST TIME to abandon her. "I'm going to find out what's up with Penny. You go with this lady and make your call." She says as she starts to run after the android. "I'll meet up with you later!"

Weiss raised her hand in protest, "Wait!" But the girl in red was long gone. She groaned in frustration. "I don't believe for a second that was a wise decision. Leaving you alone with a stranger."

Weiss looks at the woman closely, and she did not miss the smirk on her face. "Yeah. I completely agree with you on that. Anyway, it seems Ruby trusts you. For reasons she decided not to tell or explain at all..."

The woman decided to just fidget with the transform mechanism on her weapon. "If you don't trust me yourself, I can always leave..."

Weiss and the woman locked eyes. "Just tell me your name." The former said, to which the latter responded, "Maria."

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