Mountain Glenn Run Red

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A/N: This will be a chapter of progress. I have the whole week next week to work on this anyway. Enjoy.

Roman walked through the cavern, currently bustling with activity. Everything was going according to plan. Neo appeared right next to him, and just regarded him with an up-and-down stare.

"What? Do I really look that good?"

Neo nodded, and gave a thumbs-up.

"I'm glad. I did work hard on this," Roman said as he gestured to his attire.

Neo signed, "What's the story? You've been away for a few hours now."

The thief smiled. "Boy do I have a story to tell you, Neo."


"This place sucks, but I suppose not as much as the Forbidden Woods," Roman grumbled as he cut down the crazy women wielding an assortment of weapons in swathes. "They could do with fewer corpses, that's for one."

Roman just regarded the piles of cadavers that were burning with very little emotion. All he focused on was finding that carriage, but the road to Hemwick was no cakewalk. 

Although it was a direct left from the Grand Cathedral, he spent a good amount of time running from the dogs and playing a bullet hell game with all the riflemen who were camped amongst the tombstones (in all seriousness fuck those dudes, when I first went to that area, I expected close range fights, but no I was playing Undertale.) 

He even faced down two shadow creatures wielding sickles as black as their own skin at the very entrance. They would have fit on his world as Grimm, but also not, because looking at them made his head hurt.

But enough reminiscing. He twirled the Threaded Cane, and jabbed it through the skull of a madwoman with a sickle. "Jeez, I did say the ladies love me, but just this once I don't want the fame."

He wrenched it out with a satisfying crunch, and the woman fell dead, the sickle sliding out of her hands. He found himself chuckling at the site, and he turned around. He just then noticed all of the corpses he left behind. "Damn, I knew I was good, but I didn't know I was this good."

He chuckled, and that chuckle became laughter, and then he started dying from that laughter. "Oh Gods, I think I've finally gone over the edge." He continued laughing to himself, and he must have been like that for a while, because he saw a few other women making their way over to him from behind a cliff, improvised weapons in hand.

"Alright then, come and get me you hags." He strode forward, the women running to meet him.


"Ooh ooh, what happened next?" Neo signed excitedly. The story was starting to get interesting. Roman smiled, and was about to continue when... "Oh my-- Don't just do that!" He flinched and was caught off-guard by the Bloody Crow.

Roman could tell that they were staring at him through the helmet. "What?"

They began to sign, "What's with the outfit?"

"What does it matter to you?" Roman asked.

"Those clothes only belong on Her Majesty's Blades. The fact that you dare to wear it can only mean two things. One, she has made you one, which is impossible, or two, you murdered a Blade, which is also impossible," The Crow was shaking in anger as they signed.

"Again, what does it matter to you?" Roman shot the same question back. Damn traitor... 

"I will report this to Micolash--" Before the Crow could even finish signing, the Threaded Cane shot out from thin air to rest dangerously against their unarmored throat, and Neo unsheathed the needle from her parasol, ready to support Roman at a moment's notice.

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