Slaughterhouse Swing

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The group all looked over to Alfred, who in turn went to look at the wallet. There was still a decent amount of Lien in it, just barely enough to pay for a large group meal. "What is everyone up for? Pizza? Noodles? Chicken?"

Team RWBY all had mixed options; Ruby and Yang wanted pizza, Blake wanted some fish, and Weiss was considering steak. 

Summer was thinking of beef strips. Neo wanted ice cream and Roman was more for pork. 

Gascoigne and Henryk wanted chicken, Eileen was craving fish, and Ludwig and Laurence wanted sushi. 

Alfred was partial to steak surprisingly. He winks at Weiss jokingly, and the Ice Queen was considering running him through with Myrtenaster

Dante shakes his head. Every single person was pulling towards different foods, it was almost an amusing situation.

"Alright. A Simple Wok it is." Dante said, causing everyone to just collectively groan in disappointment. "Anyone got a problem? No? Good. Let's take a Bullhead into town." Some of the Hunters chuckled, getting the attention of the others. "No, I'm not going to commandeer one." 

Team RWBY seems to look at the Hunter group with a mixture of curiosity and horror. "You commandeered a Bullhead!?/You commandeered a BULLHEAD!?" Weiss is the first to speak, with obvious horror that they committed a crime, and the second was Yang with awe.

"We didn't commandeer the Bullhead," says Henryk. "No no no, children. It was Laurence who commandeered it." Gascoigne. Laurence just looks at the pair with faux surprise and anger, while said pair were laughing their asses off. "Hey, don't throw me under the bus like that...!"

"Do you all just break the law without hesitation?" Weiss asks. "Yes." "Yep." "Mhm." "Yeah." The entire group of Hunters says their agreement without missing a beat. All Weiss can do is facepalm.

The gathered group of Hunters, Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-training all began to walk toward the Bullhead pads, ignoring the eyes and hushed words being spoken. The Hunters plus Summer and the Crime Duo wore bored expressions, seemingly unaffected by the praise and admiration being thrown their way, for obvious reasons. Team RWBY as well each tried to mimic them. Ruby failed and blushed red at the cheers, Yang decided to just drink in the praise, Weiss had her typical Ice Queen glare, and Blake ignored them all.

They soon found an open Bullhead heading to Vale Proper, and they all boarded. They arrived and disembarked after a thirty-minute flight. The Crime Duo was first off, followed by the Valean Hunter Group plus Summer Rose, and then Team RWBY. It was quiet at first as they traveled down the street towards the commercial district, but the further they walked, the more people began to recognize them.

First, it was hushed whispers and a few recording scrolls, but as they walked towards the city center, it was as if the whole district had come alive. They were cheering, a lot of flashing scrolls, people taking photos and videos, and more autographs and handshakes like yesterday. It was a whole event just to get to Simple Wok.

Soon enough the group was being mobbed.

It was Gascoigne who had enough. "Hey, Henryk. I have this neat little trick, scare 'em all right off." Yharnamite. Henryk at first looked over confused and realized. "Oh. OH. Oh God, that's too much. Do it." He responds.

Gascoigne cleared his throat for a moment, before roaring. To Dante and Summer, who had both fought Gascoigne back in Yharnam, they recognized that roar as the same ground-shaking sound that knocked them off their feet. Gascoigne himself had partially transformed, his ears sharpening and his facial hair growing slightly. His fingernails had slightly sharpened and his body grew in size, until he stood to the height of his Beast Form.

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