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Junior's Bar, Downtown Vale

Yang drove her motorcycle down the street, making a sharp turn with barely a touch on the brake. Neptune shouted in surprise as the motorcycle stopped. "This is the place," Yang said as she took off the helmet, not a hair on her head out of place. Neptune shivered, "What a woman," and took off the lent helmet, following her.

Meanwhile inside Junior's, some of Hei Xiong's men ran inside, panicky. "Boss it's her!" "She's coming!" The two henchmen tried their hardest to close the sliding steel doors behind them, but it did not matter. Ever since that blonde girl trashed her club, he has spent thousands of lien just for repairs, not counting the losses he incurred from the lost alcohol and music equipment. Now, the blonde was back. With a vengeance, it seemed.

The doors were blasted open, and in walked Yang. "Guess who's back?" The welcoming committee consisted of at least a dozen Dust pistols aimed right at her. The amused smile she wore formed into a frown.

The DJ on the stage had hidden from sight out of fright, leading to the music stuttering on a loop. Finally, after a few seconds, the DJ shut it off and went back to hiding. The bartender sighed. "Everyone, calm down. Nobody. Shoot." He said, emphasizing the last word. His men lowered their weapons. "Blondie, you're here," said Hei, but the tone was anything but welcoming.

Neptune walked in. "So... what is your definition of 'friends' exactly?"

A person at the bar was drinking. Their drink was straight whiskey, at least from the color. They wore a tattered white cloak, some parts of it stained red. They wore a pair of heavy-duty boots and black pants. The person looked over at Yang, who saw that they were a woman, gave her a smile, and stood up.

She downed the rest of the drink with barely a stutter and picked up her weapons; a longsword and a pistol. "Now now, Junior. I've heard the stories. Of how she trashed your bar all by her lonesome. And even with the help of the Twins, you still incurred losses."

Yang looked under the woman's hood, and her eyes widened in recognition. "Su--" Before she even got the word out, the woman disappeared into thin air. Literally. She turned into actual mist. "Where did she go? Ah whatever..."

Yang shook her head. Maybe she was just seeing things... "Now, Junior, you still owe me a drink." She says and drags the owner by the tie to the bar.


Meanwhile at the same time, the location of White Fang Faction Meeting, Vale

In the dimly-lit outskirts of the Kingdom of Vale, the White Fang were currently holding a Faction Meeting in an abandoned warehouse. The Fang left chalk drawings in the shape of three claw marks in key places to guide new members to the meeting location.

Blake and Sun were there, but not as new members.

"This is it," Blake said as she turned to Sun, who was hiding with her behind a concrete wall. "You sure?" Sun asked. Blake was not amused with that question and gave the monkey Faunus a death glare.

He held his hands up to placate her, as he said, "You know what, I'm just gonna take your word for it."

"New recruits, keep to the right," one of the members said as Blake and Sun walked forward out of their hiding place. "I don't get it if you believe what you are doing is right," Sun said, holding a White Fang mask in hand, "why hide who you are?"

Blake responded, "The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters." Sun hissed through his teeth in discomfort. "Grimm masks? That's... kinda dark."

"So is the guy who started it," and it was there that Blake ended the conversation. "Always sunshine and rainbows with you," Sun said, and the two walked into the meeting, masks on.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖀𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓Where stories live. Discover now