Late Night Hunts and Weekend Dances

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Blake sat in the library that afternoon. Her eye bags were a little lighter than yesterday, but it was still there. She was busy trying to catch up on classes by doing some reading when a little red dot appeared on the library monitor she was using. It moved about, and Blake's eyes followed it. When it did not stop or disappear, she turned to see where the source of the dot was coming from.

Some students were walking about and reading books from the stacks, but there was no one suspicious among them. She turned back to the monitor to continue her reading, but the dot suddenly reappeared.

It danced on the screen, seemingly mocking her. She ground her teeth in a vain attempt to control her anger and she slammed her fists on the table as the red dot moved behind her. She stood up and moved to follow it.

She kept going forward until it turned a corner into a stack. She followed and...

"Wha?" Blake said as she bumped into Yang. "Hello~," she said with a smile, then she took on a serious expression. "We need to talk." Yang then dragged her away.

Yang dragged her into an empty classroom. "So... you were out last night."

"How did you--"

"Couldn't find you in the library, cafeteria, Oum, I couldn't find you anywhere in the school. So I assumed you had gone out. Anyway, I brought you here so we could talk about everything. I won't ask you to tell me where you've been."

Blake thought back to the night before.


"Blake behind you!" Dante shouted. Blake knew where they were though, and she swung her borrowed weapon, a Beasthunter Saif, tearing a Creep in half. She used her Semblance to dash back, leaving behind an afterimage that an overeager Beowulf tried to maul, causing it to collide with one of its brethren.

Blake swung the Beasthunter Saif at a pouncing Sabyr, decapitating it instantly. Eileen was right about one thing; this Hunt was going to end quickly. The group of seven was in the thick of the horde.

Ludwig was surrounded by Grimm, as he seemed to be in a trance. The Grimm seemed to be eager to maul him, but something was stopping them. Then... oh.

His weapon, a massive greatsword that he called the Holy Moonlight Sword, began to glow. The Grimm surrounding all seemed to take a collective step back, as Ludwig took a deep breath, raising the greatsword high above his head.

"ᒪET TᕼE ᗰOOᑎᒪIGᕼT ᑭᑌᖇIᖴY ᗩᒪᒪ TᕼᗩT ᒪIᐯE ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼᖇIᐯE Iᑎ TᕼE ᗪᗩᖇK," he spoke in a guttural growl before he roared like a beast and swung downwards, cracking the ground and causing it to rupture from the impact. The resulting blast of moonlight lit up the entire battlefield, and quite literally unmade hundreds of Grimm. 

He roared again, and swung around him, the moonlight blast following the blade and turning Grimm to dust on impact. Soon, there was no Grimm surrounding him at all. In fact, there didn't seem to be any signs of Grimm ever having been there, even their essence was turned to nothing.

Though Blake could not say that he was the only impressive one of the group. 

Eileen was running circles around the Beringel, slicing and chipping away at the giant ape Grimm in an effort to find any soft spots. The Beringel could not catch the black streak of feathers slicing away at its legs.

Henryk and Gascoigne were like a well-oiled machine, tearing through Grimm with terrifying efficiency. They each even managed to take apart a Beowulf with ease. "Oi Henryk, let's take out one of those birds!" Gascoigne shouted. "What do you have in mind? Our firearms are not exactly made for long-range!" Henryk asked

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