A Good Day

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How did it come to this? Dante thought to himself as he stood alongside Team RWBY after an incident involving pie to Weiss' face devolved into a food fight. A food fight of such dangerous proportions that the entire cafeteria vacated. 

Nora laughed loudly from her team's side of the cafeteria, which was a messy stack of cafeteria tables, and shouted, "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" With her was an old friend, wielding Logarius' Wheel and wearing a set of Executioner's Garbs. "Now this will be fun..." He said in a faintly English accent.

Ruby picked up a discarded milk box, and shouted, "Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! Justice will be--" She crushed the box with her one hand. "DELICIOUS!" The rest of her team shouted war cries alongside her.

How did it come to this?

-- A few minutes before --

Blake was reading something. Dante didn't know what it was, since he was sitting next to Yang a seat away. He wondered what she was reading...

"Whatcha doin'?" Yang suddenly asked, all in Blake's personal space. She was a little surprised, and went, "U-um, nothing," and closed the book at the same time. "Just, going over notes from last semester." 

Yang thought about it for a second,before moving her head to catch a flying grape sent in by Team JNPR's Nora. They've been at it for awhile. "Lame." Yang said to Blake, while chewing the grape. Team JNPR chuckled at this, and Yang gave a thumbs-up

Suddenly, Ruby dropped a thick binder on the table, which knocked away a few plates of food in the process. 

After Ruby coughs a few to get the whole groups' attention, she started, "Sisters, friends. Weiss." The latter shouted an annoyed "hey!" at Ruby, who just continued on. "Fourscore and seven minutes ago, I had a dream."

"THIS oughta be good." Yang commented as she caught another grape heading her way.

"A dream that one day, the four of us would come together as a team and have the most fun that anyone has ever had, ever!" Ruby shouted. Weiss just simply said, "Did you steal my binder?" Ruby responded with an, "I'm not a crook."

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked. Ruby responded, "I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" Yang saw an opportunity, and took it. "I always kick my semesters off with a Yang!" 

Team RWB was not impressed. "Guys? Am I right?" She even got thrown an apple in her face with accompanied boo's from Team JNPR just across from them. She gave them an angry look.

"Look guys. It's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great, but classes start back up tomorrow, which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today." Ruby gestured to the very, very thick binder. It was just as thick as the old lore books back at the Workshop, now that Dante took a better look at it.

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store for us." Weiss commented, while Yang retaliated by throwing a green apple back at Team JNPR. 

"I don't know..." Blake said with a hesitant tone. "I think I might sit this one out." Weiss looked at her, "Sit out or not, I think however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team."

"I got it!" Nora shouted, grabbing a pie with one hand. Yang raised both hands and waved them around, telling her it was a no-go, abandon mission. Nora threw anyway.

Everyone at Team RWBY's table moved back in surprise. Yang knocked into Dante, who dropped... "Oh god, nO!" Dante shouted, but he wasn't fast enough, and the bell hit the ground. The bell resonated, and summoned... "Hello, friend." Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods.

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