Chapter 43

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It wasn't until I was running down the hall at the hospital that I realised, hospital halls were much longer than any other halls.

It felt like I was running in a dream, meaning it felt like I was getting nowhere.

I had quite the struggle with the receptionist, and half a dozen nurses after I entered the hospital in such a frenzy. They thought I had escaped from one of the upper floors and was returning.

"Hello, you're Mr.Styles?" A doctor asked me, standing outside of the room I'd been told was Zayn's.

"Yeah, is he okay?" I huffed, flipping my fringe away from my eyes.

"I'm Dr.Foley, and Zayn is okay. He was checked in unconscious with a few cuts and bruises, along with a possible head injury, which we've determined is now just a bump on the head. He should be fine." He nodded.

I exhaled with relief, wanting to hit this man. I wanted to hit him until I felt calm, because of the way he'd scared me over the phone.

"I asked you down here to answer any questions the police may have, because the bloke who checked Zayn in didn't know too much about him." Dr.Foley explained.

"Can I see Zayn first?" I asked, completely ignoring what he'd said.

"Sure, he hasn't woken up yet, but we think it's because of the alcohol, not the bump on the head." Dr.Foley said after me, as I entered Zayn's room.

The reality of this situation truly smacked me in the face when I saw him laying in that bed.

He had one of those white bandages wrapped around his head, his hair spilling out of it at all angles. He also looked quite small.

I could see a black eye beginning to form, and broken glass littered his hair. I carefully picked it out, gently stroking his hair after I got it all.

I kissed his bandaged head, my eyes scanning him for any more wounds. I stood there a moment, watching his chest rise and fall. I was incredibly thankful he was still breathing.

"Harry, hey." I heard Felix breathe, the door squeaking as he entered.

"The bloody hell did you do to him?"  I snapped, glaring at Felix.

"I...Harry look, there was a fight in the pub." Felix said.

"Tell me what happened to him." I growled, ready to strangle Felix.

"He and this big bloke got in a fight. The bar tender called an ambulance because the bigger guy broke a bottle over Zayn's head before he fell. His head hit the floor pretty hard as well." He explained.

"Did you even help him?" I asked.

"I called the police,"

"I did all I could. I was scared, Harry." He answered. "Nothing like this has happened to me before."

"To you?" I scoffed. "You haven't got a scratch on you!" I exclaimed.

"I'm-I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't mean for this to happen, I care for Zayn too, you know. Alot." Felix said.

"Rubbish!" I spat, shoving him back into the wall.

"I do! I care alot for him! More than you know, so piss off!" He said loudly, shoving me backwards by my shoulders.

"Oh really? I suggest you go ahead and get a room for yourself, Felix. There were loads of empty ones down the hall." I said to him.

"Why?" He scoffed.

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