Chapter 10

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I knew what it felt like to fall in love. I fell in love with Louis. So what was this? What was this new feeling that suddenly controlled my life? I hadn't been able to function properly since Friday night. I couldn't stop thinking about Zayn.

I'd never felt anything like what I felt when I kissed him. It was indescribable, but I wanted more of it. So much more.

His lips had been so soft, and warm. Just thinking about it made reality fade around me, and it made my heart pound like when he licked his lip, and watched me with those eyes.

"Are you Mr.Styles?" An annoyed voice brought me away from my thoughts.

I blinked, looking up from the desk I was sitting at, seeing a teenage boy standing in the doorway.

Currently, I was filling in for the guidance counsellor at a secondary school, which meant more stories about pregnancy scares and boyfriends then big sisters and fighting on the playground. Along with worse attitudes.

I still didn't answer, distracted by this boys features. He had dark hair, almost as dark as Zayn's but pale skin, and very light blue-green eyes. His fringe was barely covering his eyes, and I got flashed with their brilliant colour as he flipped his fringe out of them.

It reminded me of when I first met Louis, and he had hair longer than mine. I seemed to be drawn to people with stunning Zayn. He had such beautiful eyes.

"Do you speak english?" The boy spat waving at me.

"Um....yeah, come in, sit." I blinked, motioning to the cushioned chair across the desk from where I sat. I had no idea what to do....I loved Louis, but what was happening with Zayn? I didn't really fancy Zayn.....although I happen to, on occasion, imagine what it would be like to kiss every single inch of his perfect skin.

"Are you going to ask me your pointless questions or what?" The boy asked with a slight shrug, slumping down into the chair and folding his arms.

This wasn't helping me not think about Zayn.

"Well, what's your name?" I asked, blinking and pushing the thoughts about Zayn to the back of my head.

"Evan." He answered.

I frowned, flipping through my paperwork.

"It says here your name is...Elijah." I said looking at him.

"That's not my name. Everyone calls me Evan." He corrected.

"Alright Evan, I'm Harry." I smiled.

He stared at me, slowly smirking.

"Where?" He snickered.

I frowned at him.

"....England." I said slowly, thinking that was pretty obvious.

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Um, anyway, why are you here Evan?" I asked. He sighed, looking at the floor.

"Headmaster made me." He muttered.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because I apparently have some sort of anger issue, and need to be taught how to properly process my dumb emotions." He said angrily.

"Why do you think the headmaster would say that?" I asked, watching how he kept pulling at the sleeves of his solid black jumper near his wrists. As if it hurt when the cloth touched his skin. I had a bad feeling about what was under those sleeves.

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