Chapter 18

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My eyes were open, I could feel them getting dry from the lack of fresh air. I blinked several times, and all I saw was darkness. I was somewhere tight, and I could barely move, let alone breathe.

I could also feel, that I was moving. I had a fuzzy memory of waking up...sometime before I woke up now and seeing a face, and sunlight.

I remembered my head hurting like I'd split my skull with an ax.

But the moment I began to come around, I remember having a cloth pressed over my nose and mouth, inhaling a sweet smelling substance, and feeling numb again.

This time, I could feel everything. The pain, the stiffness, the lack of space. I was stuck in the fetal position, and my wrists were taped together. I struggled, after gaining a little strength, to bring the tape to my mouth in hopes to bite it off.

I couldn't bite, because my mouth had been taped over as well. What had happened to me?

I tried to move my legs, learning my ankles had been taped together.

I could smell the tape, and I knew by that industrial scent, that it was duct tape. I'd used it plenty of times when spray painting.

"Take a left here." That familiar voice came again, but from a distance and sounding muffled.

I squirmed onto my back, pushing upwards against what I was assuming, the lid of the car trunk.

My adrenaline began to rush, and I started kicking and beating anything within reach.

I screamed, hurting my throat as I did so. Suddenly, the driver slammed on breaks, causing my head to bounce off of the trunk wall.

Anger flooded through me, and I was ready to murder whoever had done this to me.

A rush of night air hit me as the trunk was popped open, and my eyes weren't given time to adjust to the streetlights before I was jerked out of the trunk as if I weighed two pounds.

I started cursing, and fighting against the strong grip that now had me pinned against the car.

"If you want to live, you better behave Zayn. I've got a surprise for you." That voice cooed in my ear.

David. No wonder I couldn't escape his grip.

I still fought, swinging my taped wrists around and hitting his nose.

Within seconds, my face had been pushed down against the back windshield, and I felt the icy tip of the pistol barrel against my neck.

"D'you want to try that one more time?" He growled, pushing so hard I knew my cheekbones were bending inward.

I winced, a small whimper escaping me from the pain.

He chuckled, loosening his grip but keeping the gun to my throat.

"You think you're so dangerous? My wife weighs more than you sweetheart." He scoffed, pulling me to my feet.

I decided to go with this, and wait until a more...convenient time to kill him.

He forced me into the backseat, and I was pressed against another man as David got in, trapping me in the middle.

I didn't look at the driver, or either of the men beside me, even though all faces were perfectly visible.

The car smelled of cigarette smoke, and it was still difficult to breathe.

I swallowed thickly, slowly lifting my head and looking forward. David gripped the tape on my mouth, ripping it off with one swift jerk of the wrist.

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