Chapter 19

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He wiped his eyes, looking at me afterwards.

"I'm so sorry." He repeated, shaking his head.

I didn't speak, or move. I couldn't. He walked over to me, and I watched, ignoring the tears forming in my eyes.

He looked so different besides those deep chocolate coloured eyes.

His skin was pale, his hair had been shaved off, and he looked like he'd bulked up a bit.

He crouched infront of me, and reached towards me.

"Please don't cry." He whispered, wiping the tears off of my cheek with his thumb. I let him, feeling my emotions push to the surface. His hand was so cold, but so warm at the same time. His skin felt rough, but in the softest and most familiar way.

"Don't touch me!" I spat, only crying harder from his touch.

"You...I h-hate you!" I choked out, feeling like I could've exploded. I didn't know how to feel, other than angry.

I tried to push out of his strong arms as they wrapped around me, but I was too weak. I breathed in his scent before I bursted into tears again, and melted against him.

I buried my face in his shoulder, feeling my heart break all over again as he held me tighter.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way." He said, touching my hair.

"I thought you were dead!" I sobbed, wishing I could've gotten a hold of myself. Unfortunately, all of the feelings for Liam I was certain had faded, were back. The sadness, heartache, hopelessness...

"I know...I'm's a long story." He said, sounding conflicted.

"Tell me." I commanded, now having a bit of strength to push him away.

He looked at the floor, and I felt the anger growing inside of me.

"It...I was forced Zayn. It wasn't my choice." He said, briefly making eye contact.

"David is my cousin...a second cousin really...and, I used to talk to his wife alot, ages ago, and...I saw bruises and cuts. She...told me not to tell, she said such hateful things so I would leave her be, and forget it. I should've but...I was a stubborn kid." He said, shaking his head.

"What're you saying?" I asked sharply, hiding my shaking hand.

"I turned him in to the police. I told them he'd been abusing her..."

"David went to prison...but he got out early for good behavior." Liam continued.

"Before he was taken away he told me I'd pay, because when he was still in jail his bail was over ten thousand pounds due to the other things they found out when they searched his records. When he found me again, our deal was that I come here for him in my uncle's shipyard until I made over ten thousand pounds." He said.

"Why did you fake your death?" I spat, my skin sizzling with anger. I felt like bursting into tears again as well. I'd been to his funeral, but here he sat.

"Because I didn't want you to know, or be involved. David threatened to kill you if I didn't do it. He knew how much you meant to me." He said, looking in my eyes.

"You're an idiot." I said, tears begging to be released.

He sighed, looking downward. "I know."

"You could've....called the police or something! Anything. You hurt me so much Liam." I snapped, glaring at him. Hatred was pulsing through my veins.

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