Chapter 35

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~The next morning~


"Babe, I have to go." I heard Harry whisper as he stood next to the bed.

I'd woken up when he slipped his arms out from around me, but remained still. I'd been so comfortable with his chest against my back, and his body heat keeping me warm. He always held me perfectly, and it made me feel like the rest of the world couldn't reach us.

Like we'd escaped to that place people only dreamed about. The place where we were still very much in reality, but only physically.

"No." I mumbled, blindly reaching for him.

He laughed softly, the sound making me smile. "I have to. You should get up and get ready for Danny." He said kissing my lips.

My heart dropped, and I sat up looking at him. I'd forgotten that I was watching Daniel today.

Harry watched me closely, frowning slightly. "You seem like, nervous."

"I am Harry. He's my son, I want him to like me." I admitted, pushing a few stubborn hairs out of my eyes.

"He'll love you." He said quietly, kissing me again.

"Do you think you'll still have him when I get home?" He asked as I got out of bed and followed him to the front door.

"I don't know," I sighed, stifling a yawn.

"Perrie didn't say." I remembered.

"Well, I'll see you tonight. I'll probably be like, thinking about last night all day." He smiled, standing so close my eyes fell to his chest.

He placed gentle kisses along my jaw, and I felt myself smile again. "Yeah, me too." I said softly, reaching up and feeling the curls by his neck.

"Love you." He said in my ear, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too." I mumbled, pulling him close for another kiss.

He grinned after our lips parted, making brief eye contact before walking off down the hall.

I sighed, using my weight to close the door. I decided I'd clean the flat to the best of my ability, then wait for Perrie to arrive.


As 10:00am approached, I began pacing like a caged lion.

I didn't know why I was so nervous, considering the fact that the boy was five and barely came up to my waist.

I had no idea how to entertain him. There wasn't much here for a five year old to do.

Soft knocks at the front door made me pause, looking toward it. The knocks were uneven, but someone was definitely out there.

I sighed, telling myself I was being foolish, and made my way over to the door.

I opened it, and Daniel looked up at me, backing away from the door and lowering his small fist. He backed against Perrie, watching me. He didn't look terrified, so I felt that I was doing well so far.

Perrie had dressed him in a plain blue t-shirt, black jeans, and blue converse shoes.

I looked up, and Perrie smiled at me. "Hi." She chirped.

I nodded, chuckling quietly and letting them in. Daniel was wearing a Superman backpack, that Perrie took off and handed to me as she knelt to his height.

"Mummy will be back later, okay?" She asked softly, touching his cheek.

He bit his bottom lip, shaking his head no. "I don't want you to go." He said softly, looking at her.

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