Chapter 49

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~One month, Monday ~
"Zayn, we've got to go." I said for the fifth time. I was waiting for him to finish getting ready so we could finally leave.

Last week, I learned that our paperwork had been settled, everything was set, and that we could begin one of the final stages of adoption. I couldn't wait to go to the home for children, but Zayn was taking ages to get ready.

Longer than usual.

"Are you sure the room is properly ready for her?" Zayn asked, coming from our bedroom, and biting his lip. We'd been shopping last week for the basics, and to set up the baby's room. Daniel helped us, and he seemed more excited than I was about all of this.

"Zayn, everything is far past ready. Even you. Let's go." I said, taking his hand and heading for the door.

"Harry...are you sure about this? Why don't we wait until this weekend?" He asked.

"We've both taken today off from work just for this. Why wait?" I asked, glancing at him. He was still chewing on his lip, and gave me a nervous look.

"We'll be fine, aren't you excited for this?" I asked, stopping and facing him.

"No, I'm worried. We don't know anything about caring for a baby, I'm worried we won't do it right or something will happen or-"

I cut him off as I put my finger to his lips, looking in his eyes. "Don't worry so much. I promise everything will work out, yeah?" I asked, watching him look at his feet.

"This'll be great, come on." I said, kissing his forehead and taking his hand again.

I noticed him playing with his fingers during the entire drive, and chewing his lip. I didn't know how to reassure him, but I was sure that when we actually got to see the children, he'd forget his worries.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to see the children when we arrived. An agent we'd spoken to in the past called Mrs.Hardy, led us into her office, and began asking us questions all over again.

This took ages, and it was driving me mad.

Zayn didn't seem to mind, answering politely and listening to her, while I tuned in and out of the conversation several times.

"Alright, let's pop over to the nursery, shall we?" She smiled, catching my attention.

I quickly stood up, giving Zayn a smile and extending my hand for him.

We followed Mrs.Hardy to the nursery, letting her open the door for us. "Take your time, I'll be back in a bit." She said softly, smiling at us.

Zayn and I entered a large, bright, and incredibly colourful room. The atmosphere was inviting, and everything seemed so cozy and safe.

Various nurses were spread out in the room, caring for all of the toddlers and babies. Zayn and I separated without noticing, both of us drawn to each of the infants.

I approached one that was stood up in a crib, bouncing a little and watching me. The baby wore a light green onesie with little frogs all over it.

"Hi." I smiled, seeing a sticker on the crib with the name Elaine written across it. That must've been her name.

I held my hand out, letting her smack my palm a few times before looking back up at me with her hazel eyes.

She plopped down in the crib, grabbing a small stuffed lion and handing it to me.

"Is this mine now?" I asked, hugging it to my chest.

Elaine pulled herself up using the side of the crib, reaching for the lion. I gave it back, watching her throw it in the floor.

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