Chapter 46

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~Five months~
Today was Saturday, and Emmett let me have the day off to take Daniel shopping for primary school.

He'd be starting on Monday. He was excited about it, while I couldn't believe it. I didn't really want to believe it. Melissa, who was also off of work volunteered to sew Daniel's name into his uniforms for me.

I didn't expect shopping to be an all day event, but unfortunately it'd turned out to be. With it being autumn, and school starting again, everyone was out shopping.

I was rather new to it all, so the shopping crowds had left me a bit...on edge. Especially since I wasn't smoking anymore. Although I'd slipped up a few times, none of which anyone knew about, I'd been clean for almost a month.

Over the past few months, things had been perfect. I was getting more money now, because apparently word about my work had spread. The shop was always busy now.

Harry now had Sundays off, so Niall got a break from keeping Daniel all the time. Felix and Louis were still together, which meant Felix was occupied with Louis and treated me like a friend.

The only negative type event that had occurred recently, was me realising that no one in my family knew about Daniel. Last weekend, I took another trip up to Bradford with Harry and Danny, letting them meet the family.

I knew I should've done it long ago, but I'd always put it off, knowing it'd be unpleasant.

Mum had a fit over Danny, calling him angel like she called me sunshine.

My sisters couldn't get enough of him either, and Daniel idolized them all.

My father was angry with me for not telling them about him for so long, and eventually my mum remembered she was angry as well. The three of us had another chat, and I explained everything, ending up on the subject of how serious Harry and I were.

My parents had never approved of my sexuality, but after they talked with Harry, he'd somehow charmed them.

By the time Harry, Daniel, and I were set to leave, my mum was hugging and kissing all of us, and my father gave me a knowing smile after Harry put an arm around me.

My parents approved, and I couldn't believe it. Mum made sure that I knew she wanted to spend more time with Daniel, which Harry and I were all for.

So now, my and Harry's families knew about us and Daniel, and everything was settled. No more secrets.

Melissa and Niall had been engaged for almost three months now, and Niall told Harry and I that he planned on having the wedding in Ireland.

He also planned on having it quite soon.

With all the engagement and wedding talk going on, I couldn't help but think about it myself, and what it would be like. In fact, I'd thought alot about it.

It seemed to always be on my mind. I wanted Harry to officially be with me forever. The two of us were miserable without each other, so it wasn't like getting married was a foolish idea or anything. Even if it was a bit soon.

Currently, Niall and I were sat out on the porch, chatting while Melissa worked inside. The weather was still quite warm, so it was nice.

"Are you going to finish that?" Niall asked, nodding at the crisps that were left on my plate.

I gave it to him, glancing out across the yard to make sure Daniel hadn't run off. He was still crouched near the end of the driveway, playing in the dirt.

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