Chapter 44

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When Zayn went without cigarettes for a bit, things got pretty rough.

Now, things were worse, even though it hadn't been that long. I didn't understand it. Zayn was naturally a little moody, and now it was amplified.

Combining an irritable Zayn with a whiney Daniel wasn't the best thing, but it couldn't be helped. I tried to distract Daniel, but he wasn't buying it. He wanted his ears pierced like his father's.

The fact that Zayn was wearing Superman earrings played a big part in it.

Zayn had calmly said no, but Daniel wouldn't give up. After another no, the whining began.

"Daddy, please? I promise I'll be good." Daniel tried to negotiate.

"Danny, eat your breakfast." I said, watching Zayn's jaw clench. Zayn was eating dry cereal like his life depended on it.

Daniel huffed, slouching and folding his arms. "I don't want to, I want my ears like daddy has his." He whined.

"You're too young." I told him, collecting his bowl and taking it to the sink.

"But that's not fair!" Daniel protested.

"Hey!" Zayn spat suddenly.

"We've told you no, and we're done! You're not getting your ears pierced! Do you understand?" Zayn snapped at Daniel.

Daniel didn't answer, so I turned and looked at him. He was fighting to keep an angry expression, but I knew he was frightened by Zayn.

"Answer me!" Zayn snapped again, making Daniel flinch.

"Yes." He answered shakily.

Zayn sighed heavily, and I saw tears in Daniel's eyes.

"Danny, c'mon it's time to get dressed." I said, taking him to his bedroom.

"I didn't mean to make him angry." Daniel whispered as I closed the door behind us.

"It's alright." I said softly, picking out clothes for him to wear to speed up the process of him getting ready.

As he got dressed, I made his bed.

"Harry, why's daddy angry alot?" Daniel asked, sitting down to pull his shoes on.

"He's just adjusting to not smoking, he'll be calmed down soon." I said, secretly hoping that myself.

"Do you still love him?" He asked, looking at me. I noticed he'd put his right shoe on his left foot, but I ignored that for the moment.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Cos he's mean now." Daniel mumbled, frowning and wiggling his foot.

"Danny, that's what love is about. You love someone no matter what's going on with them. Whether they're happy or sad, sick or healthy, anything." I explained, watching him switch the shoe to the correct foot.

"Sounds hard." He commented, getting up.

"Yeah," I laughed, putting sock on his bed after picking him up from the floor. "But it's incredible. Getting married, knowing you'll be with that person for the rest of your life." I continued, thinking out loud.

"You and daddy should get married." Daniel told me as we left his room. Zayn was now dressed, and exiting our bedroom.

We looked at each other, and I chuckled a little, trying to avoid the awkwardness.

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