Act 11: Rescued by the Foe

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Borders of Rivendell - 10 September 3018 TA

The deep indigo of the night sky was strewn with shooting stars, while the river Bremen covered the western shore. As the autumn leaves gossip with gold and scarlet floating leaves, as the green flags of the trees become toned sepia, undulating in the south wind. A strange calmness reigned, until the shadows arose. The orcs were making their presence known, as high howls were heard far up above the plains, sending vibrations and echoing sounds of all who were below. There wouldn't be peace this evening. A small group of orcs attacked the company of two in the confines of the borders.

They had parted ways with the twins a day ago. Elladan insisted to accompany them further, but Legolas declined. He had missed his friends, but spending one more day of being mocked by the twins, was getting on his nerves. After all, Orcs weren't bold enough to reach too close to the borders of Imladris. He was wrong. The Orcs had become bolder these days, something or somebody was adding to their strength.

Legolas looked backward, saw the motion, but he had felt the vibrations first. It didn't take long and the attack, when it occurred, was fast and unexpected. He raised his bow, reacting too quickly, as slowly the Orcs appeared from every other direction racing around them. The orcs weren't many in numbers, but they were quite enough for the two of them.

Cries and whistles fell on his ears, as he had already fired the first arrow, then the next without missing his target. He pulled Arroch to fall back, trying to gain ground to bring more orcs to their doom before they would reach them. His eyes flashed a feral with the promise of impending death and the magnificent fury of battle. He sat proud and deadly like a prince warrior ready to strike every orc that would dare to attack them.

Awarthrie's arms wrapped firmly around the elf's waist, trying to keep her balance. She narrowed her eyes against the dark creatures that were slowly gathering around them. Remaining behind the dumb tree-hugging elf would not aid them. Her next action was reckless, she leaped off Arroch and came face to face with the ugly orcs. Her feet were swift and light as she pulled her doubled axes and effortlessly cut through the orcs.

Legolas shot her a look sharper than a dart. "Daro!" (Halt!) he quietly commanded to watch the dwarf-girl positioning herself in-between the orcs. He tore his eyes from her to the new target and released the tension from his bow. The arrow pierced the neck of the Orc. He released a brutal cry and fell to his death. Legolas dropped off the stallion finding the number of arrows were fewer in number causing him to pull his knives.

Both the elf and the half-dwarf were finding now back to back, facing the orcs. "What were you thinking?" Legolas angry voice echoed through the trees as he swang his swords bring one orc after the other to its death. "Their blades are poisonous! Be careful!" He uttered pushing the fight forward.

"You want to have all the fun alone Elf?" Awarthie beamed him as she kept her defense up.

Legolas shared with her a deadly gaze "We don't have time for this, pay attention!" he silenced her. His eyes focused to their surroundings observing the enemies that were becoming fewer.

Victory was near.

Soon none of the orcs were standing, only Legolas and his reckless companion were alive. His cold eyes gazed at her regretting that he had agreed to allow her to follow him. "You are thoughtless," the prince of Mirkwood noted coldly "you could easily be the cause of our death." He stepped aside and started pulling his arrows from the dead bodies ignoring the furious glare of the dwarf-girl.

"What?" she hissed annoyed "You would want me to remain behind and let you do all the fighting!? Beardless-Pixie!"

Legolas paused and narrowed his eyes towards her. Angry eyes piercing her own. They stared each other for a few long seconds. One looking at disbelieve how careless the dwarf-girl could be, and the other how selfish Mirkwood-Elves were even in fighting.

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