Act7: A talk between Lords

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Mirkwood -Throne Hall - 03 September 3018 TA

Everyone and everything bowed to his will. He was a King born and bred. He was born around the First Age and dwelt around Middle-Earth for too long. He had seen enough and was through fire and pain. Pain than no human, no Elf nor dwarf could ever sustain and live with it through the centuries.

At the beginning of the Third Age, Thranduil replaced Oropher as king of the Woodland Realm. As a result of massive losses at the Battle of Dagorlad, Greenwood's Silvan population was diminished. It became mainly concentrated in the hills, then known as Emyn Duir. Sauron's arrival caused a darkening of Greenwood, and at this point, it became known as Mirkwood.

Giant spiders and bats and orcs in Dol Guldur's service occupied the forest, and it became thicker, darker, and covered in cobwebs. This caused the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood to retreat even further, residing apparently exclusively in the Elvenking's Halls at the Forest River's eastern end. The ancient Old Forest Road was abandoned by men and Dwarves alike, with a new but seldom used path being made further from Dol Guldur and the Hobbits near the forest's eastern border migrated away.

Mirkwood was originally called Greenwood; the forest formed once part of the vast primeval woodland that covered most Middle-earth during the Years of the Trees, possibly linked to Lothlórien across the Anduin. Unwilling to cross the Misty Mountains, these Silvan Elves also settled in Anduin's wooded valleys. They were known as Silvan or Wood-elves. The Old Forest Road was constructed very early in Greenwood's history by the Longbeard Dwarves to carry traffic between their territory in the Misty Mountains to Erebor and the Iron Hills.

The world could fall through his feet. He was the Elvenking of the dense and heavy woodland that made up much of the eastern portion of Rhovanion. He was the ruler of the natural land included the northern part of the forest. The ruler of Mirkwood was resting against the wooden and stoned crafted throne with a face of utter nonchalance as if he were merely waiting for the time to pass. Thranduil, lounging out on his throne, hanging out on one side less than the other, in the coolest way.

A dreadful tragedy had unfolded earlier that day, far away in the North. The Elvenking was informed that the enemy became stronger in numbers, and the attacks of orcs had increased. Most of his men were out fighting day and night, trying to keep his halls safe. The Elvenking, noble and proud, had not gone into battle for years. However, it was time for him to ride out with fierce determination in his eyes and the desire for retribution in his heart, the war was upon his lands, and he should no longer hide inside his halls.

There were an ancient evil and new rising into his realm, and the King of stone and wood felt it through his veins. Although the captain of his guard advised him to remain inside his halls and to ensure his folk that none of the outside evil would reach his halls, Thranduil's opinion had changed. He and his most trusted men started riding out these days, facing any evilness that would grow through his land.

"I believe my King you should remain inside your keep; riding out and face our enemies would only bring great fear to all Mirkwood elves," Nastedir offered. He had returned as fast as he could after discovering that the Elvenking had started again to ride out and secure his borders. "Your guard is facing all front in the North and the West."

"Don't lie to me! I have no mercy with liars," he growled at him. A dangerous glint was in his eyes, a relentless demand for answers, his mouth twisted in anger. "Most of your men return fatally injured and many dead. The enemy stands stronger, and you are asking me to keep hiding!" he narrowed his eyes.

"My Lord, keeping the King safe is one of our duties," the captain of the guard spoke as he watched Thranduil in bewilderment. "Since the battle of the five armies has ended, you have changed, My King. You allowed Legolas to leave his homeland and part of his obligations as a prince. You are riding out facing your enemy. You are acting strangely!"

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