Act 24: Thranduil

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The King of Stone and Wood

"But there was in Thranduil's heart a still deeper shadow. He had seen the horror of Mordor and could not forget it. If ever he looked south its memory dimmed the light of the Sun, and though he knew that it was now broken and deserted and under the vigilance of the Kings of Men, fear spoke in his heart that it was not conquered forever; it would arise again." J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), Unfinished Tales, "The History of Galadriel and Celeborn", "Appendix B: The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves"

Thranduil, the only son of Oropher, was a Sindarin Elf of Doriath who became the King of the Silvan Elves of Greenwood (known as Mirkwood) after his father was slain. As the only son of Oropher he was cold and self-centered. A son of King's. His emotions were always hidden behind his cruel and cold act. The ElvenKing was deadly, yet as an elf he was wise. He was distrustful of strangers for the most part, although he had business dealings with the men of Lake-town.

He was mostly unconcerned with the affairs of the world beyond Mirkwood unless a common enemy was shared or for trade. He also had his halls delved underground, fashioned partly in memory of the mighty, but long-lost, Menegroth of Doriath. In north-eastern Mirkwood, they were near the Forest River behind great, stone gates. His realm was also protected by the Enchanted River, which could cause one to sleep and dream deeply, whilst the Elvenking's Halls served as a fortress.

Yet, The ElvenKing was not only bitterly cold and cruel. His true self was only revealed to the people he held dear. He cared about his people, and about his family. He had seen darkness back in Mordor. His heart had fallen into darkness and grief. Yet, he still was a proud King. There were times he was also younger, in love and happy. Everything started before the war of the Last Alliance.

When Thranduil lived still in Doriath with his father. One day his path cross with a Silvan Elf. Her hair was different, darker, not blonde as most Silvan Elves would be. Her eyes were blue-gray, like Legolas. Even for a female Elf she was taller and slender. She was fair and beautiful. And her name was Calemirel. Thranduil, had fallen in love since the first time he saw her. Actually, there were plenty of Elves that were bewitched by her beauty and character.

Calemirel, was nothing like the ElvenKing. She was sweet and kind, she used to be humble and wise. Exactly the opposite of Thranduil. The only thing they shared was that they were brave. Brave enough, to fall in love with each other. They were such an enchanting combination.

It took them years to reveal their likeness to each other. Thranduil, tried his best not to fall in love with a Silvan Elf. Oropher, would never accept his only son to be bonded with a simple Silvan Elf. As for Calemirel, she could never reveal her true feeling at Thranduil, since she knew Oropher opinion about her kin. Even after they both confessed their feelings, their love for each other remained a secret. They wished they could love each other freely. But at the time being, they could not.

Centuries passed. Oropher became the King of the Silvan Elves of Greenwood the Great. His opinion about the Silvan elves had changed with the years. Yet, Thranduil still kept his love for Calemirel as an untold secret. Soon, the last alliance was formed. And war was upon them. Those were dark times, no one talked about love. In the Battle of Dagorlad, Oropher was slain. And, Thranduil, lost his father, and succeeded the throne. He became King of the Silvan Elves of Mirkwood in the Woodland Realm.

Calemirel, who around those times stood braver than the ElvenKing. Decided and traveled to Greenwood. How could she stay away, when grief and sorrowfulness surrounded Thranduil. Without any reason, she rode to Greenwood. It was her choice. A choice her parents respected. Upon her arrival she found a very different Thranduil. Grief rose his darkness and cruelness. Yet, Calemirel did not linger or despaired. She saw through his grief, and remained close to him.

Year, after Year, until the ElvenKing shade his tears for Oropher. Until he was accepted by the Silvan Elves as their King. And until he was again himself. If Calemirel was not around, he would never find himself. He would never become the great King he ended up to be. Even cold or dark, he cared about his people. And he would always do what was fair to his people.

Finally, their bond was finalized and Calemirel became the Queen of Greenwood. Still running a kingdom was not an easy task. It took a lot of time on both of them. They were long married and did not have a child. Calemirel, took that opportunity, she tried her best to rise once again the forgotten alliances. She traveled a lot. Thranduil, was always taken by surprise by his wife. She was only getting braver. He would always tell her how worried he was about her. Yet, he never forbid her to travel. Because deeply, he was allured by her free and brave nature. The only time, he started to deny her to travel, was when the orcs had already invaded Greenwood. Those times were really dangerous.

As they thought, things could not get worse. The Queen was pregnant. Twelve months after, she gave birth to a boy. Legolas! Thranduil's life had another meaning now. He had a wife and a son. Most important things in his life. Even around dark times like those. He managed to find happiness. And life could not be better, it was difficult. It was hard. But there was happiness.

Until his world collapsed, in the most tragic way. The Queen, started to travel again. Thranduil, could not keep her locked inside. And he did not want to. He knew exactly what his wife wanted. They would often fight. But it was mostly like a game between them. He refused her to go. She would get mad at him, and leave. And when she was back things became better. Even Legolas had noticed that their fights, were more like lovers' fights than actual fights.

But nothing last forever. The queen was attacked by orcs and had been taken prisoner to Gundabad, where she died, and Thranduil never spoke of her, as if she had never existed to begin with. Thranduil, had already made up his mind to protect his son. It was the only reason he never left for the Grey Havens. He dealt with his grief, as he became colder and distant after his wife passed away. But, he remained behind as the ElvenKing. He would never let Legolas have his fate. Although, he never really talked to his son. And Legolas only remembered little things about his mother. His father was distant, not allowing him to feel loved.

Thranduil, was a cold and selfish King. His pride seemed to be more important than his son. He had a particular fondness for white gems and wanted to acquire more, mostly because Calemirel loved them. But his cruelty and coldness, was only one part of his. He loved his son dearly. And his wife was his only love. He was like most elves. Yet, he was still the King of Mirkwood and he had to act like one.

What does it really take to love someone?

Is love supposed to be told by words or shown with acts?

How much do you need to lose, until you the one you care and love is safe?

((Next Act: 25 Farewell to Imladris ))

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