Act: 8 A quest... what quest?

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Rivendell - Passageway - 05 September 3018 TA

Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks. Fog embraced every tree, every square centimeter of ground. Thunder declared itself as some rock star upon the stage. Sheets of rain revived the grass, resounding and rippling without frontier. And he stood there further down the entrance of Rivendell, away from the peace that Rivendell provided. Eruptions of green enveloped in front of him in a carpet of living nature. Trees and brunches now flourish with vines, victorious as they claim their valley. He stood there as the heavy rain dropped against his fair figure; the cold neither the rain bothered him.

"A si i-Dhúath ú-orthor, Legolas" [The Shadow does not hold sway yet, Legolas] another elf said as he appeared and stood next to Legolas "Gwenwin in enninath... Ú-'arnech in naeth I si celich." [Long years have passed. You did not have the cares you carry now.]

Legolas listened, still unmoved against the heavy rain as the other elf spoke. He slunk his bow back against his shoulder; he held it into his hand as if ready to attack. "Suil Annui, erio thûl lín I faer hen," [Western Winds, may your breath lift this spirit] he said, "Elladan, the shadow grows even beyond the borders of Imladris. This darkness, although it feels familiar with the one in Woodland, it is different, stronger, and heavier."

"Henion, Legolas," [I understand, Legolas] Elladan smiled, tapping his friend's shoulder. "We have experienced the same darkness. Orcs are getting bolder; we have scouted troops of the enemy even then and again."

From afar, his face looked indifferent, even cold, but he was worried. He turned and faced Elladan. "You say they passed the borders of Imladris?" he asked in a clipped voice.

Elladan nodded. "They try; our guard stands strong. Elrohir and I are patrolling the borders more frequently; we are getting ready to depart soon."

Legolas tilted his head a bit and raised an eyebrow. "Then you come to bid me farewell?"

"No," he offered, "I was hoping to travel together." Thranduil's son was baffled, but before he asked Elladan what he meant, the elf added, "My father will brief you in; he is awaiting you at his study chamber."

Legolas greeted his friend and walked away to meet with Lord Elrond and find out what arrangements the Lord of Rivendell prepared for him.

- - -

Rivendell - Lord Elrond's Study Chamber - 05 September 3018 TA

The approaching footsteps had the wet sound of someone on the grass, someone who had mastered to walk quietly and had muffled their steps. Each footfall had a rhythm on its own, too light for humans to hear and on point for elves to miss. He had reached the Halls of Rivendell at a fast pace; he didn't want Lord Elrond to await. He knocked on the door when a voice asked him to enter. He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

"You asked to see me, Lord Elrond," he said with a slight bow on his head and gazed at Elrond curious.

"Take a seat Legolas," answered Elrond and gestured for him to take a seat. "Due to the recent events, I believe I cannot avoid holding a council. However, Gondor and Lothlórien lack information. I was hoping you would ride to Lothlórien inform Glorfindel and Haldir, and then Gondor. The race of Men is failing. Our hope cannot remain with them. But they have to be warned."

Legolas waited patiently for Lord Elrond to stopped and accepted the quest that was given to him. "I'll ride with Elladan and Elrohir, but I assume they will not journey with me to Lothlórien?"

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