Act 23: A truce

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Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include cheesy lines and actions!

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Imladris - 25th of October 3018 TA

The following morning, the imaginative golden sun rose in a slow motion. The dark black sky turned into a bright Royal blue sky. The bright looking milky clouds got up from sleep and started travelling around the sky. A man in black was sitting next to the sleeping Ellon, he looked over watching him, but did not waste any breath on words. The truth was he looked tired, but determined.

He showed far less expressive; was something he had seen before. He had ridden into enough battles with the elves – with Legolas himself to recognize, and almost fear, the preternatural calmness that descended on them. However, the elf did not ride into war, foolish circumstances dragged him into battle and almost died out of it.

"It is an ugly place," Legolas commented with a slight shudder, as he started talking to Aragorn about the small quest that had almost cost him his life.

"Who do you think build it?" Aragorn asked, marveling Legolas description of the ruins.

"I do not know, but it is certainly possible the Dark Lord. Evil seemed to favor ruins like this, and I can still feel the darkness dwelling." Legolas though of the darkness he faced inside those ruins and it made him shiver.

"I wonder what made you fall inside," Aragorn imagined Legolas losing his balance and fall into the gap, but elves never lost their balance and specially and elf like Legolas.

"I did not fall, I jumped inside, believing I could climb back," Legolas answered "I was mistaken."

Aragorn grinned. "Perhaps you can give me some answers. You were wounded by an arrow. Then you get captured, and tortured. I honestly would like to know, what is wrong with you?" He looked at Legolas invitingly.

Legolas did not answer that question directly. Instead, he said, "I do not know, I was not paying attention."

"I know you friend, you're certainly being trying to save the she-dwarf. Arwen told me about your encounters with her? What troubles you?" Aragorn cast a glance at his friend "Who is she?"

Then, without waiting for a further comment, Legolas admitted the truth. "She is the daughter of Tauriel and Kíli, my trusted friend's daughter Aragorn, how could I forsaken her." Legolas spoke intensely as he sat up.

Estel did not need to know more. He knew Legolas for years now. He trusted him. Legolas was the kind of a trusted friend that would follow Aragorn without the need to ask him what Aragorn was planning to do. Whatever it was, he would follow. He had made this decision long ago and had sworn an oath to himself, which he did not mean to break. If the elf called you a trusted friend, he would go to Mordor and beyond. He felt that it was the same with the young one.

"Does she know?" Aragorn asked him "That she had earned your trust." Legolas could be the best friend, but at the same time he was a man of a few words.

"I believe she knows," Legolas responded in a lower tone "She had to figure out."

"And you were not too keen on conversing with dwarves," Aragorn added with a knowing smile. "But come now!" He said before his friend could protest "Lord Elrond needs us, there will be a council, the ring of power has been found my friend. And we are called to answer. You can see your dwarf after the council."

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