Act 26: Namaarie

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Author's Note:

Warning: My dear friends, we reached finally the end. This should be the final chapter of this FF. My free time is limited, and as such here I finished the first part of a fanfiction I wanted to write for years. Honestly, I do not know, if I ever will find the time to come back and finish it. However, in this last chapter I am going to share with you a small summary of what should come. And maybe, this winter of 2021 I will get some free time to write part 2 or I will leave the rest to your imagination. Thank you for staying along the ride.

Feel free to leave your reviews, maybe those will be some convince me to return, who knows. Namaarie!

Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc (only the OC). It all belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson.-

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The Cycles of time rose and fell; that knowing the heights and depth of all. The Fate's whim and turned not back again, yet whirls with Good and Evil was trained. The spurs of hate and spite; The rapt embraces and languorous kiss by night. The accidents and fortunes that befell them in the link of a romance in which no guile could slink. It could not be forgotten, it could not be undone.

Suddenly, Sauron's troops gazed at Mordor. Then they flee. Confused, the men of the west stood and looked each other. The tower of Barad-dûr slowly collapsed. The Eye of Sauron, letting loose a great shock-wave, exploded into nothingness. The army of the West cheered. The surrounding landscape Black Gate collapses as the ground caves in. Much of Sauron's army fell as well. Mount Doom erupted in a large explosion. The eruption killed the remaining Nazgûl. The troops and the wounded returned to Minas Tirith. Hope rose again, Sauron was no more. The evil forces were still around middle-earth, and it would take time and battles to be in total peace. But the evilness of the Ring and his dark master was long gone.

After the fellowship had departed from Rivendell, Mirkwood had dealt with its own darkness. Not only had the Elvenking to fight the orcs and spiders that were acting his lands, a new enemy had risen and were brought in Mirkwood. The unchaste led by Romru and his son Nastedir, as well as the troops of the dark Lord. Things move in the far East beyond the Inland Sea, it is reported; and north in Mirkwood and beyond; and south in Harad. And now all realms shall be put to the test, to stand, or fall – under the Shadow.

More than a month had passed, since Legolas and Gimli departed from Minas Tirith, with the promise that he would return with Arwen. Today Aragorn should be crowned King. There was no sign of Legolas, Arwen or anyone else. In Mirkwood the most bizarre friendship had happened between the Elvenking and the she-dwarf. At dinnertime, they met with the rest of the company. There always a story to tale, or a debate to start. Time passed slowly, and she found herself getting drawn in a daily routine. She could not complain that it was boring. There was always someone around to annoy her enough.

Thranduil almost lost it when he found out that his only son had bonded with a half-dwarf. And he found out from Glóin himself. He was ready to fall in the Enchanted River of Mirkwood, when the most unbelievable thing happened, the she-dwarf was with child. It was Legolas, and the Elven King of wood and stone found his heart again, after Awarthrie gave birth to twins.

The Elvenking felt his mind erupt in a strange happiness. There were two little beings that have some of his blood and his flesh. He was not only their King, but their Grand Father. They were the most important Elves in Middle-Earth for him. He vowed he would protect them at any cost. They and their parents. His long loneliness was no longer there. Maybe his wife was gone. And no one could ever replace her. But at least he had a family now around to fill his dim days. Later he would pay a visit to his wife statue. And he would narrate her through the last events.

The one who was confused that ever was Legolas, when he showed up in Mirkwood to find Awarthrie. He wanted to inform her that he was alive. To speak to his father about his mate. Then take his wife and attended his dear friend coronation and wedding. However, she found the she-dwarf been trusted friends with Thranduil. She was even the captain of his guard, as her mother was. And upon everything, he had two children.

It took him a day to process what had happened. Legolas was supposed to find his mate and then start a war with his father. Thranduil would never allow him to bond to a she-dwarf. However, that was not the case. He felt like the outcast. Gimli was taken by surprise as well. Legolas was now his trusted friend, but finding out that he bonded with his sister and even had twins.

Who would guess, the tree-hugging-pixie had twins? Twins?

The couple and the kids were allowed to attend the wedlock of Elessar & Undómie. Gimili followed as well. They lived a few years in Gondor aiding the King to set up his Kingdom. Such great was the friendship of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.

First year of the Forth Age, December 21 (the Fourth Age began on 25 March of T.A. 3021. The Third Age was held to have actually ended when the Three Keepers departed over the Sea on 29 September at 3021. So it was not longer, December 21 of the year 3021, since the forth age had started.)

The twins have been already a year old. A few months earlier many had departed into the West to the Undying Lands. Frodo, Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn, Lord Elrond and so many others Elves. The third Age was slowly reaching its end, and a new era was about to begin. Middle-Earth was free from Sauron and his darkness. But it also lost many of the Elves that brought balance and light. Yet, the new era would be brighter and more peaceful than the previous. The lands were now in harmony, and it felt safe to have a family and to raise children all around Middle-Earth. Even Mirkwood was slowly repairing its damage. Most of the dark creatures were perished or slowly retreated from the Elvenking's realm. Few attacks happened here and there, yet nothing serious that the wooden Elves could not handle.

Inside the Elvenking's hall chaos overwhelmed. The twins could freely walk around and even form words. That meant trouble. They needed more than one person to keep a watch after them. Awarthrie and Legolas were not sure were they found so much energy. This year the pair had only a few days of peace. When they rode outside Mirkwood to visit another realm or to check the borders. The rest of their day, were spent chasing after two little troublemakers. Those two, maybe they looked elfish in appearance, yet they were trouble like their mother. But they were happy trouble that the whole kingdom loved.

~'Namaarie!' = = Farewell! ~

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