Act19: Enslaved

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Horrifying cries and shrieks were echoing down the corridors under the ruins, the air was filled with terror of the goblins and orcs. The cold wind was piercing the skin and the dwarf wasn't sure if it was the actual wind or her reaction of what had happened. There was no time to waste. She had to move on and find the elf, aid him. How, she did not know. But for the time being she had to track the group of goblins who had attacked them.

It became darker, the path more ominous as she climbed up the stairs, the same stairs she had fled moments ago. She kept both small axes close to her face and hiked forward. It was a terrible shock. Where was Legolas? She wondered what evil fate had befallen him, goblins or orcs; and shuddered as she walked lost in the ruins. This time the elf had been caught much faster, and she felt it was her fault.

The she-dwarf inhaled and closed her eyes, trying to keep her sanity at bay. He had to be around here somewhere. She opened her eyes and looked around, the darkness was deep, but she could see through it, then she let got of the breath she was holding in for too long. Her throat itched to start calling for the tree-hugging pixie, but it would only alert the enemy.

Things were looking pretty bad again, when suddenly deep down the hall, she noticed shadows and cries. She followed the path, every now and then she had to turn to a small corridor down to countless smaller corridors opened out on every side, wound far underground and had many passages and halls, but at least it was brighter.

In a cave some yards with the ruins on its eastern side there had the goblins camped. They were bringing into camp a struggling shining being known as elf. He had fought against those monsters, and gave them so much trouble they had to soften him with blows to limit that bothersome strength of his. The elf looked quite enraged, as he was still attempting to escape of their grip with relentless fierceness.

Awarthrie was angry at their treatment of him, and she was determined to hurt those ugly-monsters when she would save the elf. Because she would save him. For now she remained hidden behind a rock, who was located across the orc camp. It was providing a secure hiding place, but at the same time she could scan the camp.

He was dragged to the main hall, Legolas couldn't help but wonder what the slight possibility of leverage he'd hope to gain from his meeting with the orcs, and how he would manage to escape. Not much was said to him while he was being secured by the orcs. Not that they had any reason to. Not after they had captured him and had beaten him so many times, that even standing took him some effort.

The agony was pure torture for Legolas, and had endured a lot of pain throughout his life; all those years of torture were nothing compared to what he was going through now. Being enslaved by orcs, that was the worse possibility of what could happen to an elf. The embarrassment he felt about being caught like an elfin by a few orcs. His father would be disappointed to learn about his failure.

Maybe that was supposed to be his end. He thought. At least he didn't drag with him the stubborn dwarf, and he hoped she would not bring further problems. If she was smart enough, she should look for a way to escape. She should be able to read the odds and know by now that she had not the skill or strength to fight an army of orcs.

"Secure him," Shagrat snarled watching his minion trying to keep the struggling elf down, "there over the pillar." Shagrat, was the Captain of Cirith Ungol, who commanded one of the recent patrols that were in search of the one ring. "Keep him alive, we are taking him back to the Tower of Cirith Ungol! Don't spoil him!"

Legolas withstood the beating and whatever the orcs had thrown in his way, refusing to show any kind of weakness and ignored his captors. The orcs found it tiresome as they couldn't easily control the shiny-creature. However, Shagrat knew the strength of the elves and the one they had just captured seemed an important one.

"Why aren't we killing it," one of the orcs complain "It's useless to keep it alive."

"I bet his flesh would taste flavored and juicy," another orc agreed, licking his lips while staring at the elf.

Debating if they would eat or not the elf, gave Legolas the time to struggle back. He grabbed against the rope that was bound around his wrist and pulled harshly bring both orcs on their knees. He was about to stand when he felt a blade against his neck cutting through his skin. A few drops of blood oozed down his skin and then a blow was delivered against his head. He lost his balanced and crashed against the ground.

"Tide him down now," Shagrat demanded after he had successfully stopped the elf's escape "Don't you dare eat him! This one is going back with us!"

"What about the ring?" a darker orc asked as he was now tying the rope around the pillar and kicking the elf's stomach a few more times.

"Enough!" Shagrat shouted "I said don't spoil it! As for the ring, it's not longer here. It has been found by some creature, and Master needs us back!"

Shagrat skipped next to the tied up elf and grabbed him against his long hair. "Blasphemous-Zanbaur (elfson)! Amal shufar, at udh! (Where there's a whip, there's a way.)" he warned the beaten elf who was glaring at him. Their new capture was finally tied up, as the rest of the orcs were offering threats and curses, but the elf's fighting spirit was alive.

Hateful eyes filled with disgust and anger piercing the blackness. The elf's expression had changed to burning hate staring at the Captain of the orcs without any fear. He heard Shagrat speak and his reaction made Shagrat angrier. He smiled darkly and pulled the ropes a few times ignoring him. His expression remained the same, as he fell into silence.

"Glob! (Fool!)" Shagrat yelled and punched him a few times against his rips and face, leaving a thick stream of blood streaming down his thin lips. "You better start behaving and stop struggling! You are now ours!"

But again, there was no fear shown nor any reaction from the elf.

The she-dwarf was ready to storm over and kick the bloody-tree-hugger in the face, as he kept fighting against those monsters. He surely was a fool, if they kept hurting him like that it would be the end of the elf. Her heart clenching against her chest and felt useless. She felt small and powerless in that moment. She always believed she was strong. However, there she was free with her weapons and she couldn't safe the stupid elf.

After a few more tries and beating, Shagrat removed himself from Legolas. The foolish elf was still stubbornly fighting him off, and was not responding. But he was not in a hurry, now he was their slave and he had all the time to break his will. Because he would break him. Such pride and strength only made Shagrat wanting to take his time with this one. He would deliver the elf as promised to the master, but first he would have his way with him and break him.

"If you want to survive, Zanbaur, it will only be granted by swearing allegiance to us and stop struggling!" Shagrat added delivering a last blow and stepped away leaving the elf bleeding against the pillar motionless.

((Next Act: 20 Free at last ))

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