Act 4: Consequences

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Rivendell - Training Grounds - 30 August 3018

Tap ~ Tap!

Strong arms captured thin and locked their owner into submission. 'Now what would follow?' such a low act he had ever seen. The lowest stroke came from his Kin because Awarthrie was his Kin. His reaction slow. Before the dwarf managed to speak a word of defense or apology, the Elf stepped in front of them. Blue eyes were threatening brown.

"What are you..." he found the urge to strike the short woman with violence " Orc!" Silence. More silence, while everyone was watching the prince demanding the reasons behind her actions. The attacker was silent. "Assaulting their prey behind their backs. Deed of cowards and ill creatures." Legolas said dryly.

Awarthrie remained still, ignoring the elf that was staring at her. His words meant nothing to her. Her blood was still boiling. 'Anger!' She was hiding so much anger inside her. If Gimli were not preventing her, she would strike him again. Her eyes clouded in range, and her eyelashes fluttered absentmindedly.

"You are still young!" Legolas said in a clipped tone, "You do not know much of the world. I will blame the cause of your actions there."

"Mylord, are you hurt?" the first guard questioned in disbelief of the woman's deal.

"It'll take more than that to take down Legolas," Elladan answered, resting his hand against Legolas's shoulders.

The ellon hid his smiles after hearing his friend's words. "There is nothing to worry about!" Legolas ensured the guard, "I wish this would stay as is. An insignificant accident." he claimed. "It is not worth further worry!" his last words hit strongly. Those were the words of a prince, demanding, and solid—a close image of Thranduil.

"As you wish, Mylord!" the guard answered.

Meanwhile, Elladan was examined Legolas' arm. He leaned close to him and whispered, "You're Not the least bit curious to cause some troubles?" He shook his head with a smile at the rather stubborn girl who had just inflicted the wound to his dear friend's arm.

"None whatsoever!" his answer came quick, as his gaze upon his friend.

"You wouldn't want to find more on the subject, would you?" quipped Elladan, a malicious glance on his eyes.

"None at all!" Legolas hid on more smiled "Do not let your father learn about this matter!"

Awarthrie fixed her glare against the shiny princely. Suppose Gimli didn't stop her. She would have his head. Guest or not! Now the damn Ellon treated her like nonsense and acted cool wanting to keep the matter a secret. 'Sly Elf,' the voice in her mind screamed.

Glóin's son pulled her back, apologizing to Elrond's children. Today he wouldn't go easy on her. They had taught her better. Dwarves could be loud, offensive, stubborn, and had many flaws. However, they knew about respect and mannerisms. But an open attack towards a guest had a heavy punishment even in Erebor.

Rivendell - Legolas' bedchamber - 30 August 3018

"Where is he? How bad is the injury?" Elrond voiced through the corridors as he reached Legolas' chamber. One of his men had informed him about the incident, and it took the Lord of Rivendell in a big surprise. All his long years, it was the first time he was given such disrespectful deeds.

A healer inside his room treated the prince's injury. The injury wasn't deep, but it left a mark. Thankfully there was no need for any stitches. Elves had the ability to heal fast, faster than humans and dwarves. In a few days, it would be gone.

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