Act 21: Returning to Imladris

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Reaching Imladris - 13th of October 3018 TA

Breathing hard and staring at the large dark cave one final time, she felt uneasy. Everything was given to them too quickly, freeing the elf and even escaping. She stood in front of the cave entrance, gazing into its depths. Something inside made her questioned for a second if that was what they were supposed to do or if they were tricked doing so.

Though her thoughts were interrupted as Legolas was breathing heavily against her still lost in pain, spaced out of the reality that the she-dwarf was facing. It was time for them to escape. She had secured his weapons against her back and was trying her best to support the elf.

Escape was the led by the first glimmer of light in a world that had been in shadows for longer than memory and to have the courage it took to reach for that unfamiliar promise of better days. Three days were enough to bring so much darkness to the elf and to the dwarf. How would they ever forget and live through such heartbreaking memories.

When it was foolish to stay, the courage for running away must be summoned for their survival. She took a deep breath and started moving forward. She took one step, a second and on the third she had dropped on the ground with the elf crushing with her. She sighed angrily and pushed the elf off her. His crumbled body rolled off her, causing him to groan in pain. The she-dwarf sprang to her feet. They didn't have time. Any time soon the orcs could be back.

Her fingers grabbed against his tunic and she pulled as hard as she could to pull him up. "Get up you tree-hugging pixie," she gasped as the fabric ripped off and the elf ended up following in again on the ground. "Oops, sorry!" she added apologetically, but didn't wait and grabbed him now from his pants and pulled him. This time she managed to balance the elf against the rocky walls and started striding away from the cave pulling him with her.

Her body and mind were on overload, she didn't stop to think any longer. Her only purpose was to get them both out of those ruins. She didn't know the way and surely time was not on their site either. She was sorry about what Legolas went through it broke her heart that she had to be so harsh. But there was no other way.

After they reached the stairs most of her stamina was already gone. She couldn't barely stand and the elf's heavy body wasn't helping. She stood at the top of the stairs and then looked at Legolas. She closed her eyes and pushed him down. The elf slide down and she followed behind him. He surely would have a few new cuts in his body and bumps on his head, but at least he would be alive.

An uneasy feeling began to build within her when she heard sounds deep down the new corridors, her body tensed as she strained, ears listening. Awarthrie listened intently, her heart dropping as she realized it wasn't the enemy. That made her, pressing harder against Legolas trying to find a way out.

She had lost count of how long she was dragging and pushing the elf with her again and again. Moments seemed to stretch out before finally, he caught sight of movement and heard the sounds of someone in the distance, disappearing down a rise. And suddenly there it was an opening and Legolas' mare flying towards them.

She didn't wait and pulled Legolas from the ground and tried to push him on the horse. She wasn't sure where she found the new strength. But eventually she mastered to push him up and she climbed after him. Then Arroch rode away the rest of the night until they escaped far away from Gladden Fields and towards the north.

Now they had to figure out what came next.

It was a land of rivers. It was always like that. Anduin had been there from the beginning. It offered life to any creature and any tree, and it would remain there even after the passing of the elves. The river Anduin had seen dark days and days of glory. It united the realm of the elves, the dwarves, the humans and even the orcs. It remembered and never forgot.

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