Act 6: Unexpected behavior

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Rivendell - Bedchambers- 02 September 3018 TA

Legolas turned and faced Awarthrie; deep blue eyes met brown, and the room was surrounded by silence. She observed him as he stepped soundlessly from the door towards her. He moved with a grace that was disconcerting, and she noted the strong jaw and the cold-eyed stare he was now fixing her with. He stopped a few steps away from her, not inventing her personal space. He didn't speak at her yet, still staring at her like he was trying to read her. His face remained impassive.

"I didn't steal your weapons," Awarthrie finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "I would never do such a disrespectful act!" Her voice was clear and steady; she didn't seem anxious or scared. She stared at him, waiting for some response because she couldn't read his expression. The dam Elf was quite amazing at hiding his emotions. The dwarf-girl, on the other hand, was showing every thought on her pretty face.

"Iston! (I know!)" Legolas admitted as he crossed his arms over his chest, "You are capable of many things, but stripping me for my weapons isn't one of those."

His answer took her by surprise. "You know!?" she questioned, confused about how the Prince of Mirkwood would trust her words or even speak as if he knew her. "It's not that I couldn't take them..." she informed him boldly, implying that she wasn't scared of him or any punishment that might follow. "However, that would be the action of a coward."

His eyes narrowed slightly as he kept his arms crossed, and he smirked. "And you are far from one?" he prompted. "As I recall, a day ago, you stroke behind my back... that was quite heroic!"

"That was a mistake," she recognized, swallowing slowly. "I was confound finding out that you were the Prince of Mirkwood. I acted before thinking. My sincere apology." she offered, and this time she meant it.

His lips twist to a slight smile listening to her, and he spoke in a deep-tone, "Usually I have the opposite reaction when my name is known; this was the first time I have been attacked due to my name."

Again there was a small silence between them, only this time it wasn't as awkward as the first time. Awarthrie tilted her head this time, astonished by his reply. She found a light tone of amusement in his words. But she shook the moment away. "Prince Legolas of Mirkwood, I vow that when the time is right, I will strike you down. Though don't you worry; it will be a clear and fair strike," she promised, pinning her eyes directly against his.

"Because of my name?" he asked, slowly finding her reaction strange.

Her eyes darkened, and she glared at him, taking a step closer towards him. "No," she roared, "Because of who you are, of what you have done... or better of what you haven't done."

He shifted at his spot, looking rather confused. "What I have done?" he repeated. "To you? Have I wronged you in any way, Lady Awarthrie?"

The question perplexed on many levels. There was the 'glittery-princess, her enemy, and he was acting again so polite and caring. 'Perfumed-annoying bastard,' she thought. 'Acting so generous civil, but I know the what kind the Mirkwood elves are. Especially the royal family.' Awarthrie laughed. "You have. The Elvenking, your and your folk," she spat, taking a step closer. "I know you, pride, cold, and sinful. That's what the Mirkwood Elves are, especially their King and Prince. You can fool everyone, princely, but you cannot fool me; there is nothing decent about you. Nothing!"

What were those words supposed to mean? Legolas was a warrior. He had killed and fought, and not all his actions could be expected to be pure. But he would never mistreat anyone. His deeds were fair; he was a proud Ellon, arrogant sometimes, and even cold. But sinful? His eyes rested now against hers with concern. "Pride, coldness...," he said in a clear voice and deep, "those aren't reasons to loathe someone. I can see you are still young and you haven't seen much of the world yet. I assume that is the reason for your insane behavior."

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