Act 15: Silent whispers, and Silent tears

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Outskirt of Lothlórien - 15 September 3018 TA

She woke up suddenly, not because of any noise or interruption, yet because of the unfamiliar voices in a strange language. Her drowsiness faded away instantly as she heard them approaching, whoever they were. She scrambled to her feet, hastily brushing off leaves and earth that clung to her clothes. How did she end up falling asleep? Her mind was still in a huge confusion. Nearer and nearer those elves came, but neither paid her any attention. They simply bypassed her and went on with their tasks.

She closed her eyes as if that would make her somehow invisible as the trail of elves passed just behind her. It felt like nature itself had burst into song and was now filling her heart with images of a few nights ago. She recalled slapping the prince of Mirkwood, clarifying that she hated him. Legolas had run after her, but eventually gave up, and only asked her to return to camp, since it was safer.

She hadn't spoken to him for three days now, neither had the prince. Glorfindel had left the next morning, he rode to Lothlórien to inform them about Erlond's council. Legolas injury was now doing better, after the camp healer had taken care of his wound once more. The elves ignored her, she had been offered a meal daily and nothing else. She preferred it that way.

She hated him. She hated him. That was all she could think. The scene replayed again and again in her mind. She had cleaned most of the dirt and blood in the small spring, and tiptoed towards the two elves. To her surprise they were talking in the common tongue. Relief and sadness mingled in her heart as she dared step closer and find out that her sworn enemy knew who she really was.

'My prediction is she could be the daughter of Tauriel and Kíli, half Dwarf and half Silvan-Elf,' she listened to Legolas reveal and she closed her eyes in disbelieve. One simple phrase hid all her story. And the Prince of Mirkwood had already figured out. If she wouldn't have known him better she would have said that he was so damn clever, but of course that was not possible, how could it?

However, it was foolish of her to have thought that she was wrong about him, not after listening at him wishing better to kiss an orc than be matched with her. Why did that bother her? Of course she was not fond of Legolas, and he would never be into her. 'Remember, he is the enemy!' Her inner voice outlined. 'The one we hate for so long. The enemy!'

Yet again another voice was louder reminding her that Legolas wasn't the enemy. Lord Elrond advised her. And every single action of the damn-Elf was shown that he wasn't the enemy. All except of that nights harsh words. But were those enough for her to keep her venom at bay. To loathe him and wish to strike him down. It wasn't long ago, he was severely injured to save her life.

Awarthrie debated with herself, she could keep loathing Legolas and stay in the dark, or she could talk to him and figure out the truth. After all Legolas knew her father, her mother and so many things that was kept from her. She had only to do two things. First to forget the detesting words the prince said and secondly to trust him. Her inner battle had just started and she wasn't sure what part of her would win.

Feeling a strong hand clamping down on her upper arm, she felt pulled back to reality. She turned and ended up face to face with Legolas, she growled, taking a step away from him. The prince studied her before he spoke "Get ready, we are riding back to Imladris!" Her heart dropped and she felt nauseous at the idea that they would ride again.

His face remained impassive. He simply cast a glance at her and walked away towards the camp. There was no point to talk with the she-dwarf at that point. She hated him. And maybe Legolas was at fault. Glorfindel's note of pairing him with a dwarf made the prince's anger to rise. He overreacted. Of course he knew such union would never happen. However, something made him more anxious, more than it should. Like there was some kind of true hiding behind those words.

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