Act 18: Unbearable Truths

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Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include a semi- bleeding scene and some violence.

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Loeg Ningloron - 29 September 3018 TA

The early morning came as a promise kept. There was an awakening magic, a sense of an old earth-spirit rekindled that seeks to knit together. Before them stretched wide grasslands, the banks of the river, and clumps of trees here and there. Both had fallen again in silence and were packing their belongings to continue with their journey back to Imladris. She had slept surprisingly well, despite the bitter conversations.

Awarthrie glanced over at Legolas, who happened to pull out some Lembas bread that he was ready to share with her. She swiftly turned her back on him trying to avoid any eye contact. However, she was ignored and she cast another glance in his direction, finding him standing next to her and handing her the Lembas, and pulled away.

The she-dwarf grabbed the bread and took a small bite. At first she thought it was Cram, but soon she found it was sweet and pleasant, unlike Cram. She recalled the princely telling her, days before, that it was very nutritious, stayed fresh for months when wrapped in mallorn leaves, and was used for sustenance on long journeys. Anyhow, the seemed not to be on speaking terms after once again.

That Elven bread turned out to be a lot better than what she had expected, and she felt gaining some of her stamina and strength. Legolas packed the rest of the Lembas away and they set off. They made their way steadily now, riding northwards close to Gladden Fields. The Gladden Fields were a marshland located in the vale of the Gladden river, and on the banks of the river Anduin. It was there that the One Ring was lost by Isildur, and found again centuries later by Déagol the Stoor.

Gladden Fields did not seem to draw any nearer during the following days. Legolas had foretold her that it would be cloudy and rainy, and his evaluation were right. They rode and camp in silence with neither of them seeking each others company. They eat nothing but Waybread, and camped in the dark and cold without having any means to start a fire under the rain.

Awarthrie was used by now the way Legolas was riding Arroch, in a fast and hard pace. The horse's rhythm had changed and she ended up holding against him as tight as possible to avoid any kind of fall. Her arms remained wrapped around his waist, and she ended up resting against his back more frequently. She developed a sense how to keep the structure of her body consistent but gentle, that aided her to improve her riding skills. She also decided that the elf's back was safe and comfortable.

This was getting very interesting, the tree-Humber could remain in silence for good. He was an elf of very few words. The she-dwarf would spend hours observing him regularly and his moves were done with such unusual grace she couldn't help but gape with a certain amount of intrigue. How he was able to remain so soundlessly in front of her, she did not know.

Her thoughts drifted away. Those last conversations were the most honest and open she ever had with some pointy-eared Bastard, not to admit to anyone. She had been bound all her life, to a life she didn't choose, but somehow this new state came easier, and she rather preferred to see where it would lead. There was only the elf, the one she disliked all her life, and now here she was sharing a horse and an adventure with him. And she hated to admit it, but Lord Elrond was right, in this short quest she had slowly started learning more than she ever did in all her life.

She caught herself dwelling again on these things. None of it mattered. What had happened to her and her parents wasn't apparently Legolas fault. As it seemed it wasn't neither the Elvenking's fault. Perhaps Nastedir was somehow at fault, but again, it didn't matter. Other threats lay hidden through the rest of her life, she had to be free of the past. With these thoughts, she had figured out that she didn't hate or even dislike the beardless daft any longer. His bitter words stung and ached, her heart, but now as her rage had calmed down, she found herself unable to loathe him.

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