Act 5: The trap

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Rivendell - Bedchambers- 02 September 3018

The room was very quiet, and the sun was slowly rising. The morning sunrays were trying to bust into the large chamber, but the thick curtains blocked them. Legolas was lying on the large bed, never moving or making a sound. He was sleeping deeply, a rare act for an elf. He lay on his torso, hair unbraid, and loose all over, covering the pillows. His attire, from his tunic, leggies, and boots, spread all around the chamber. The soft white silk sheets cover from his button and below, and his back revealed three major scars. The scars had become a narrow thread of silver that glowed in the sunlight. And a new scar, the one that the dwarf girl inflicted, was slowly healing.

The three scars were both a source of pride for what he had overcome and the darkness he had faced but didn't dwell in. It was known if an Elf was scarred, it could faint away or turn something else, something darker. Elves were sensitive to pain and loss. They could be killed only in violence or by extreme despair. His father was one of the rare elves, who even if he lost his beloved wife and faced darkness, he remained in Middle Earth. Not many know about the Elvenking's hardships. Yet his son faced his own and mastered not to be overwhelmed by those.

King's trusted adviser tormented Legolas for years; Legolas was only a naïve elfin, lost in despair. It was around the time when the Queen was murdered, Thranduil was lost inside his own darkness, and Romru found ground to unleash his vengefulness against Legolas. Some of Legolas's scars were emotional, and some physical. He still bears three large scars across his back to prove that life wasn't as easy as many think for the Prince of Mirkwood. And only his most trusted people knew about those. His father and Lord Elrond, because they were the ones who healed Legolas back then. Elrond's children and Aragon as his most trusted friends.

The day was still young, and everyone in the house of Lord Elrond had awoken and were taking breakfast in the dining area. Awarthrie was already helping Camaeneth at gathering the velvet sacks from the bedchambers as the maiden asked her. Now she was crossing the level where her companions' chamber was. Awarthrie already knew since it was breakfast time, all the dwarves could already be found in the diner. And if she weren't doing her punishment, she would properly be with them eating and badmouthing the princely.

"Beardless pointy-earned pixie, I'll have my revenge," Awarthrie mumbled as she was stumbling across the halls and entered chamber after chamber. She would gather the velvet sack with the dirty clothes, open curtains, and windows, and changed the bedsheets. Camaeneth gave her an easy task but cleaning up her folk's chambers was madness. They could never place their filthy attires inside the sack and open a window.

"You can have..." Elladan put in with a little too much amusement as he suddenly appeared next to Awarthie when she was stepping outside Gimli's room.

"...a small grievance." Elrohir finished with a smile.

Awarthrie almost jumped, surprised as she never heard the twins approaching her. "Kud 'Akash d' asukhzu!" [What a surprise to see you!] she rolled her eyes in irony. She had already too much insanity to face, and now she had to deal with Lord Elrond's twin sons. "Thank you, but I can take care of my own problems," she responded as she placed the sacks inside the wooden cart.

Elladan smirked and blocked her way, towering over her. "It will be one easy task..." he continued ignoring Awarthrie's reaction.

"... and we will aid you..." Elrohir said, following his brother's footsteps.

Kili's daughter stopped and gazed at the son of Elrond. "You are mischievous and different from most elves I know; that is refreshing," she admitted sharing a small smile with them, "but I - am - not - interested!"

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