Act 2: Imladris

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Disclaimers: I don't own any of the characters, places, names, etc., even if I wished. J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson caught it all! ;)

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Rivendell, 29 August 3018

Their destination was close; the elves reached the Gates of the Elven town in the Misty Mountains on the eastern edge of Eriador. Pine-trees grew on the top of the valley, and the autumn colors were warm as ever. A small cluster of elegant Elven Buildings sitting in a Shangri-la like Valley below towering cliffs and snow-capped mountains. Legolas closed his eyes, breathing the free and fresh air around him. As a Wooden Elf, he had missed being surrounding by Nature, without the darkness. His home had changed a lot over the centuries. It was no longer as green and alive as it was once. Most of the forest had died, and darkness overtook it. Creatures like Orcs, Goblins, and spiders were growing slowly in most parts. Rivendell was different. Protected by one of the three rings once given by Sauron and Lord Elrond elven magic, it was safe grounds.

They stopped at the Gates of Rivendell to greet the Elves and announce their arrival. Mirkwood's prince was a regular guest of Elrond Peredhel, especially the decades he spent with Aragorn. Yet, he had a close friendship with Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen since he was an elfin. Elladan, Elrohir, and he caused troubles and pranks all over the house of Elrond. Few times even Arwen was dragged into their mess. After his mother had perished and Mirkwood draw into darker days, everything changed. Like his father, Legolas spent his time in Mirkwood protecting the borders. Traveling was a luxury he could not possess.

Elladan and Elrohir rode often far afield with the Rangers of the North, never forgetting their mother's torment in the dens of the orcs. It seemed that both realms Rivendell and Mirkwood lost their ladies from orcs attack. Painful memories for the house of Elrond and the Halls of Elvenking. And each dealt with their grieves on their terms. Yet each time they slay an orc, it brought some relief to both sides.

Legolas's eyes brightened as he noted a familiar face. His party and he had brought their horses to find food and rest inside the stables. Now, as he was passing through the main gates aiming to find Elrond, their path crossed. The Lord of Rivendell always held a special place in Legolas' heart. It was not his kind and wise nature that impressed Legolas. It was the father substantial that always brought joy and sorrow to his soul. The deep relationship he shared with his children. Even if he lost his wife in such a way (similar to his father), he never forgot to be there for his children. True be told, he was offering his aid to all middle-earth. He approached problems differently from his father. He surely didn't lock himself into his halls and acted like a selfish Leader. Thranduil copped with different darkness nonetheless.

"I was hoping to see you sooner. You left Mirkwood almost two months ago. It never took you longer than a month for your arrival. What kept you busy?" Lord Elrond asked him after he embraced Legolas. Action the Elvenking avoided after his wife's death.

"We encountered intrusions in our borders. We had to keep the borders safe until the Captain of the King's Guard and his men arrived. We took the Old Forest Road, believing we would reach Rivendell sooner. However, we were attacked plenty of times. It slowed our journey." Legolas offered the details of their journey from Mirkwood to Rivendell.

Elrond cast a troubled glance against him. "The old Forest Road, you say!" there was a small pause. "No-one dared travel through it for centuries. Evil grows there that never sleeps."

Legolas acknowledged his mistake, explaining his mind was set to reach Rivendell on time. He recalled the dwarves following the same route "The road is not as forgotten, as you think Lord Elrond. We came upon a group of dwarves from Erebor. Orcs attacked them, and we aided them from afar. They should be arriving shortly." Legolas said as a fainting smile showed on his face.

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