Act 25: Farewell to Imladris

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Be Aware: Concepts contained in this chapter include semi- sensual scenes. Should I rate it 'M'? ^_^

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Imladris - 25th of December 3018 TA

She was neither so unjust, nor so ungrateful, as to affirm a change in behavior was needed; but it left to her on such terms as destroyed half her value of a fighter. In her short years, she was tied up to live a life so distinctly and economically severe; to the lay on the fortune and improvement world of the Elves. When she gave her promise to Legolas, she meditated within herself to increase her own self to stand as an Elleth. An Elleth worthy, to be named his partner for life. She thought of it all day long, and for many days successively, and she did not repent. She was not really an ill-disposed young girl, unless to be rather cold hearted and selfish ways to be ill-disposed. Yet she was, well respected and loved by Legolas. The Ellon recognized her full worth, without asking her to change herself. Just to smooth her ways and to conduct herself with propriety in her ordinary duties.

Duties, that kept Awarthrie busy all day long. She never could imagine, how many tasks or duties an Elleth should already know. Her morning was filled with Camaeneth, who was supposed to teach her about the dressing code and body language of a Nobel Elleth. Truth be told, her way of standing, walking and moving was an awful combination of a dwarfs' moves. Most of the times she reminded of Gimli. Legolas was baffled, if she had even Elven blood inside her. He had met with Human ladies, that had more glory and nobility, than this 'Elleth'.

Around noon, she met with high noble Ellith and Ellyn, and was taught a variety of matters. She was taught, to write and speak correctly Nandorin. She had to learn the customs, the duties imposed by law on imported. To skill in the traditions of the Sindarin and Silva Elves. Their history, the politics and the different point of view. She was lacking in any way possible. Honestly, she was stressed so much she had even forgotten everything she had learned all these years. She seemed so uneducated and far from the dwarf she once was.

And if she ended up having some free time, she would be summoned by the rest of the dwarves. A month and the fellowship would depart, as well as Gróin as the rest of the dwarves. They have reached a point where, they actually thought that she had matured enough to claim what was hers. The princess under the mountain. They tried their best to help her, to slowly adjust around her new reality. Yet, they found her slowly falling further and further away.

A month, had passed and she had to keep herself busy. She only saw Legolas in the morning, while having breakfast with everyone else. All day she was busy. Legolas withdrew in their chamber around midnight, and she was already fast and deeply asleep. The Ellon was not in a different position. He had to deal with all the details of his departure. However, he found time to speak with her to advise her not to be afraid of who she was.

Legolas, was there. Calming her fears and assuring her to fight through. Legolas believed in her, and that gave her confidence. The Confidence that was slowly affecting her. She was not longer the foolish dwarf. She was rising to become something greater, to go back in her homeland and give her own fights. Because things were not better in Mirkwood. War was upon all Middle Earth, and Mirkwood faced two enemies.

And Awarthrie, would find herself into those battles. Without knowing it yet, she would work with the Mirkwood elves and became a very important ally. If she would ever see Legolas again, she did not know. But in those dark times no one knew what the next day would bring. If they would be alive.

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Before the departure of Rivendell

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