Act 9: The departure from Rivendell

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A/N: Should I even continue this? Do you believe the story sounds interesting enough to keep writing?

Rivendell - 06 September 3018 TA

The storm had ebbed to nothingness; now, the silence was as pure as the wintry blanket outside. Every creature was sheltering, the birds had either flown south or had better things to do than sing, and the night was still upon Rivendell. When his ears became more accustomed to the lack of sound, he thought he could hear the brunches' tingle, but other than that, only his rhythmic breathing brokered the air.

He was leaning against the open window, watching the calm scene in front of him. There was something about the Prince of Mirkwood that seemed out of this world. His long blond silver hair was unbraided, waving against the soft breeze. He was half-dressed when the silence won his attention, and he paused his preparation for his journey. He knew he would miss the silence and the calmness when dawn was upon them. Neither the twins nor the dwarf-girl would let him find a moment of peace.

Legolas always took pleasure in traveling, exploring the lands, and riding towards new adventures. Like those with annoying friends, journeys would make him forget the many centuries he lived and tricked him into believing he was a young adult ready to face life. Even if he knew the journey would be short, and within lay the obligation of him to inform Lothlórien and Gondor as Lord Elrond asked him. There was always the thrill of the journey itself.

He had started braiding now his long hair, in a particular way, as a Mirkwood Elf and the prince of Mirkwood, the braids had a specific design to reveal his status as a warrior and a noble Elf. However, Legolas preferred not to be addressed as the Prince. He knew, and he knew it well, he had many benefits not only for being an Elf but for being the son of the King. But he hated the formalities, and he preferred to be seen as from his worth than his titles.

That was the main reason whenever the 'dwarf-girl' would curse him or call him anything but his name, Legolas hid a smile. Despite her loathing him for unknown reasons, the way she dared to speak to him was one of a kind. She called him so many times a bastard and a princess, words heavily insulting for the prince of Mirkwood, but refreshing for Legolas. And even he knew he would regret allowing her to follow him in this journey; deep down, he was curious to hear the next insult that would escape her lips.

It was dawn when he had finished braiding his hair and wore his attire. His garments' fabric was more substantial made in this particular way to last through long journeys and fights. His outfits were always one of a kind, but they were never too flashy and glamorous. So none would figure out that he could be the King's son. Only high elves would guess if they paid close attention to his braids.

He grabbed his belongings and his weapons and stepped out of his chamber. He strode along the corridors and out towards the entrance. The twins were preparing the three horses while awaiting Legolas and Awarthrie to arrive. There was already excitement in their actions as it had been decades since they hadn't traveled with the dear friend. And now they would have the new 'troublemaker' following them.

Meanwhile, Awarthrie stood there in a clean black shirt; gone was the girl of a month ago. There was something in how she stood, pride in herself that was so strange to see. When she followed Gloin and the rest of the dwarves to Rivendell, she hadn't seen much of the outside world. When she was younger, she had traveled with Tauriel searching for a place to live. But after Glóin accepted them in Erebor, Awarthie had never journeyed outside Erebor.

She had already packed her leather knapsack, with a few clean garments and a few monthly supplies that Camaeneth had provided her for her female needs. She had to admit that she-elves had a lot of gear to survive through the monthly girl issues with less pain and mess. Yet, she was thankful that the maiden and new friend shared those little things that would make her days easier.

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