Act 13: The Unchaste

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Much that once was, is now lost, for none now live who remembered the ancient Darkness. Middle Earth had forgotten its viciousness, and the known worlds changed. Those days, of Middle-earth, are now long past and the shape of all lands has been changed; but the regions in which darkness ruled were the beginning of the Unchasted laid back in the Elder days that are now lost and forgotten. Only the elves still preserved any records of vanished times and a tradition that was concerned almost entirely with their own history in which other races appeared seldom and those who were banished were not mentioned.

Their own records began only after the settlement of the unknown part of Mirkwood, after Romru had been exiled from Thranduils Halls, and their most ancient legends hardly looked further back their wandering days. Their earliest tales seemed to glimpse a time when the upper banks of Andruin, between Greenwood. Those who were mentioned in the legends were fallen elves banished from elvish lands and found there a place to call home.

The unchaste were different breeds of elves under the same reason, they needed to create a land to call them theirs. Since all were banished from their realms, and were unorganized and leaderless. Their records began after the settlement of Romru and the union of the new 'race' who called themselves the Unchaste. While there was still a king in Mirkwood and they were named his subjects, but they were in fact, ruled by Romru. Until the right opportunity would arise and his son would become the new leader; who would bring them to govern Mirkwood.

When Romru finally announced that would shortly name his son the leader, there was much talk and excitement between the Unchaste. Nastedir was back, since the Elvenking had banished him from Mirkwood, and he had become a local legend, it was popularly believed that he would guide the army against Mirkwood and be victorious.

But so far trouble had not come; and as long as he lived in Mirkwood and was the captain of the Elvenking's army it was forgotten and the Unchaste lived a peaceful life. These days darkness was rising nonetheless, orcs and dark creatures attacked Mirkwood again and again. Nastedir was now the leader and the seemed the right time to start pressuring the attacks, hoping to bring Thranduil and his kingdom to his doom.

Romru came from a Sindarin bloodline, but he had fallen due to his arrogance and contempt for all things to save himself. He had turned away from what was right and good and followed his own will; he became a liar, a killer, and a hideous being without shame. When he was young, he had desired the Light, but when he found that he could not possess it for himself alone, he descended through fire and wrath down into the Darkness.

At the beginning he was a friend of Tranduil and one of his best advisers. He was his right hand for centuries, and it didn't take long for him to yearn what Thraduil had. He found a mate, he created a safe home from the elves of Greenwood, he became king and soon he eventually Valar gifted him with a son. Truth be told, nothing was given easily to the Elvenking, he had walked through fire and darkness, to remain the ruler of Mirkwood.

Romru was also gifted with a son, and kept a very high position at the Elvenking's court, but he still wanted more. It was then when young Legolas became his target. Before the Queen was perished and Thranduil dwelt in a new darkness, Romru offered to teach Legolas. How long he was in pain, he did not know, but in all that time, nothing else happened. There were no voices. Not friends who came to ease his suffering and heal. Not foes to bring him more tortures.

There was only Romru, who would always punish young Legolas with three lashes. Always three, and always in the same location. It started after the Queen's death, when Thranduil was lost in his own grief. Legolas wanted to please his father, and Romru found the opportunity to take his malice against Legolas and dominate his life. If the young prince would be tortured enough, all the pain and grief could lead him to fade away.

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