Chapter 1

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I don't own Vampire Academy the wonderess Richelle Mead does...! Enjoy

I grabbed my coat and bag then following the Russian creep out into the parking lot where he was leaning against a black SUV someone else was in the car with further examination saw it was Guardian Petrov well Alberta when I saw her I stopped in my tracks They’re gonna take me back to the Academy!  I said only to myself “Like hell you are!” now that came out aloud and just before I turned on me heels I could see confusion on the Russian guys face Point Hathaway I thought to myself then took off with the fastest speed I could apparently not that fast cause he caught up with me pretty quick Damn it! “I am not going back to that shit hole of a place! Not without a fight” I didn’t give him a chance to answer when I lunged at him. With one blow he sent me flying and only midair did I notice what a painful impact it would be I braced myself but it never came instead I felt two strong arms catch me and lay me down on the sidewalk. He looked at me our eyes locking and it felt like only minutes when Alberta’s face came into sight with... a syringe! When I tried reacting it was too late I felt it pierce my skin and that’s when everything went dark and I blacked out.

I woke up what felt like someone bashed my head against a wall repeatedly, I tried bringing my hands up to my head but something tugged at my wrist when I looked down all the anger come back “Handcuffs you must be kidding me right?” it was a rhetorical question but when I heard his accent I just got more pissed “You should take it as a compliment we are just taking precautions don’t want you jumping out the plane” he came to sit next to me. Just great they are taking me back all my hard work down the damn drain “You know this is technically kidnapping, I said I didn’t want to go back!” no more nice Rose I am sick and tired of being forced into doing stuff I didn’t want to do “We didn’t ask for permission and no it is not kidnapping your our- the academies- responsibility. We were just following orders Princess Vasilissa as...” wait “Why do you keep saying Princess she isn’t the oldest so she doesn’t take the title Andre is the prince of the Dragomirs” I interrupted him it wasn’t the first time he called her Princess, he looked shocked the recognition replaced it “You don’t know...? Right, you left before... before the accident” he looked somber at this point What accident? he answered like reading my thoughts “2 months after you chose to run away Vasilissa’s family was in a car accident... she was the only living member of the family leaving her...” he said but I finished his sentence guilt forming “Leaving her the only living Dragomir!” at this point I was mentally kicking myself over and over again but it still didn’t hurt as much as the guilt tugging at me.

“So seeing that your new and already know Lissa, mind just telling me who you are you already know who I am” I couldn’t help but smirk if he read my file he knows what I am capable of “My apologize...” really what time is he from? “ I am Guardian Dimitri Belikov” defiantly Russian his accent was deeper when saying his name “So how are you connected with this whole operation?” I asked really curios of his answer “I was assigned to be Princess Vasilissa’s sanctioned guardian” he is what! “Yeah sure you are, and I am a good little girl!” sarcasm was ripe in my statement but he didn’t change his emotion once so he was serious. He was seriously Lissa’s guardian I didn’t reply and he wanted to say something but thought against it smart move from his end but then he turned again and said “Were you really going to attack me?” I didn’t reply but he went on “It was brave...” he paused and continued “Stupid but still brave” he then stood up and went to the end of the plane I couldn’t help the smile playing over my lips I turned to face the window and fell asleep it was gonna be a long flight.

After what felt like forever I was being waked up by Alberta "Rose... Rose damn it Rose wake up!" I growled at her cursing "I am up don't get your panties in a twist!" I loved pissing her off she just shook her head and muttered something about me being immature as usual. When I stepped out of the plane I could just fall to the ground and kiss it but thought against it seeing that it would look totally and utterly stupid we were on the academies landing strip and just in the start of the vamipiric schedule just great timing "Thanks guys your timing couldn't have been any better!" I said rolling my eyes every word said in my highest sarcasm that I could manage. It was Dimitri who then asked Alberta “Did you notify the Princess about her returning?” she bowed her head and said “I thought you did that. Well this will just be a well deserved surprise to her then.

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