Chapter 10

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“You’re late, again! There better be a good reason miss Hathaway!” Dimitri’s voice boomed through the gym. I saw this coming and knew exactly what I was going to say, but when I saw him doing pull ups, with no shirt, my mind went blank. I stood there till he noticed that I hadn’t replied and stop, dropped to the floor and turned towards me with his eyebrow cocked up-oh dear mother of earth stop it!- he just crossed his arms.

Finally when I could remember what the question was I had the answer “Yeah uh it was Lissa, that damn Mia was at it again and I just lost track of time. So I guess I am- what’s the word? - oh I am sorry comrade” I said giving him my man eater smile. He looked taken aback “I didn’t catch that Rose… please repeat that” he said cupping his ear, he fought back a smile that much was clear as the corners of his mouth twitched. There was no way in hell that I was going to repeat that “Keep on dreaming Dimitri, I said it once and that already was too much!” I stated he shrugged “Was worth a try, I am actually glad you were late though” that gave me a stab of pain… though I don’t know why?

“Why the go of letting a girl down easy comrade!” I said trying to hide the pain “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I took the liberty of having a talk with Mia, for Lissa of course. I saw how this affected her” he clarified. There was only one thing that intrigued me in his sentence though the rest were sweet “Mia was here?” I could hear the venom in my voice when I said her name Dimitri nodded. I recalled all his words and then it hit me, Mia had left the gym just before I got here so, I felt how my anger rose once more when I saw her face in my head. Oddly how I felt satisfied when I remembered the fear when the recognized me, Dimitri probably saw my moods change “Roza? You okay?” with that one word I melted and some of the anger faded away “Yeah, well no I kinda bumped into her when she left just now” I said, might as well give him a warning that I now know who she was.

He looked at me again with an internal battle and gave a loud sigh “I am going to say this once! Don’t do anything rash, talk don’t hit, kick or even threaten her. I won’t be able to save you for a second time” he said and crossed his arms. I was shocked beyond words, yes Rose Hathaway was rendered speechless! He was trusting me to go and ‘talk’ to wannabe royal pain, this is not going to work out. I mentally face palmed myself and just nodded not trusting my voice.

After some brutal yet entertaining training with Dimitri I made my way to get some Dinner seeing that I missed lunch, and breakfast! How I made it till now was beyond me but I know now that… I stopped thinking about food when a very unpleasant familiar doll walked past me. I vaguely remembered what Dimitri had said, but when she shot Lissa a dirty glance all rationale thought had gone flying out the window. The next thing I knew I was standing behind her and my head just blew with ideas of how to either break her arm or leg, maybe even both! I smiled at the thought took a breath in and spoke though the venom in my voice couldn’t be helped “You must be Bia Vinaldi…” I said and heard snickers behind me she turned around with a scowl, when she saw me her façade almost faltered but she kept it up. It took a while before she answered me “Its Mia Rinaldi!” she hissed and I almost laughed at her high pitched voice, she was a child! She looked at me with a death glare, or so she thought no way in hell was I backing down “Oh… I am sorry, s’not my fault I don’t know a nobody. Of course who would know a mere non royal like you?” I said with a shrug and I noticed I hit a nerve, good!

She gave a high pitched, yell? More like a squeak “Look who’s talking bloodwhore! At least I know who my parents are, both love me and didn’t drop me off here to be raised by the Academy!” and so with the little temper I had left it burst and I was fuming “I know what I am, bloodwhore isn’t one of them! And for the parents part, my mother is one of the most respected guardians in our world, I don’t have to fake who I am, you on the other hand! You are a low life who sucks the life out of people who are better than you, and the worst thing of all is that you think people would like you for it! News flash baby girl, pick on the indecent sure go ahead, but pick on my girl Lissa well you chose the wrong person to pick on! You made her life a living hell while I was gone, now I am back and I am gonna do what you did to her times ten!” I was panting with the rush of the words and also from the anger. She stood there and smiled, yes actually smiled! I gave her my own smile turned and walked away, I did not expect the next thing though.

She gave a yell and run up to me trying to hit me, I dodged it ducking down came back up and did a roundhouse kick to her stomach. Call it reflex or instinct whatever you want to but what I felt when I heard her cry out of pain was satisfaction!

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