Chapter 12

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So here's a long, tho not long enough, chapter this will be the last time that I will update till the June holidays start... exams real bitch! so enjoy and let me know what ya'll think....????!!!

Dimitri was on his feet in a split second, he was standing against the wall far from the bed Damn ninja if ya ask me. Lissa came to stand in front of me with the same speed as Dimitri, though her speed only frightened me “What…. Why? Ugh! Rose what was that? I told you to back off Mia is and will only be my problem! Why can’t you just back off?” I was expecting this but she still caught me off guard with her 20 questions. I looked at Dimitri but I could tell he was in his guardian mode: seeing without seeing and hearing without hearing.

A real pain in my ass if you ask me “Liss, I wasn’t the one who got all mad hatter on her ass. All I wanted to do was scare her off, ya know like ‘pick on her, pick on me’ kinda stuff though I think she’s got a thick skull. Know what I am saying?” I said with a wink and a smile, I just got an eye roll and a stoic face, surprising that Lissa had the stoic face and Dimitri did he eye roll. Without hearing? C’yeah right!

Lissa paced up and down my room her heels clicking on my floor. Click click Click click. I was counting how many clicks I heard so I drowned out Lissa’s mumbling and speech about keeping a low profile. I jumped when she called my name “Are you even listening?” she stopped her pacing “Uh… yeah sure. Don’t do it again or get expelled. Gotcha!” I said and didn’t miss Dimitri shaking his head, guess I was wrong. That was confirmed with Lissa give a shriek and stomping out of the room slamming my door. I stared at the door for quite a long time when Dimitri cleared his throat did I remember him being there.

I bowed my head trying to avoid eye contact, when he lifted my chin with his finger my skin tickled in a good, warm way “There’s those eyes.” He said with a smile that made me smile automatically “You did the right thing, but if Vasilissa said to leave it to her well….” he didn’t say anything further but I caught the unspoken words, loud and clear. My shoulder shagged I knew what I did was right, but in other ways also wrong though that was the worst part. I looked up Dimitri who had let it sink in without saying anything, he was very wise for someone his….age? I didn’t really know how old he was.

He probably saw me frowning “What is going through your head now?” he asked with his brow raised, still cool, I gave him a smile “Was just thinking how wise you are, though couldn’t place an age at that…” I trailed off hoping he would get the unspoken question. To my relieve he did “Since you were wondering, twenty four.” I did an internal happy dance, seven years older not bad! When I came to my senses I was shocked at how only he telling me his age had made me happy, maybe it’s something in the air making me… ugh who was I kidding!

I was crushing on my mentor, wait I was crushing on my older mentor… not yet there I was crushing on my older HOT mentor! Think that justifies it. Dimitri was looking at me and waiting, for what? Oh he was waiting for me to reply “Twenty four? And already they call you a god? Mad skills comrade!” he gave a chuckle “God?” he questioned. I mentally face palmed myself with the slip, oh great now he thinks you creepy!  I just gave a shrug “C’yeah! They say you’re lethal in a fight. I mean you have six molnjia marks, SIX!” I threw my hands up only now noticing I was over exaggerating. With a chuckle and a shake of the head he walked to my door “If you say so, good night Roza. Sweet dreams” he closed the door behind him with a click, only if you’re in them. I laughed at that.

Taking a quick shower and a change of clothes I sat on my bed with my guitar, thanking Kelly for sending it. I was absently playing the strings when a new, well old but new for me, song popped up and I started playing it while singing the lyrics.


‘Got a secret

Can you keep it?

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